Prostate Health and Erectile Dysfunction (Enlarged Prostate, Prostatitis and Prostate Cancer)

Susan Bratton is with Dr. Amy B. Killen doing a video series on reversing erectile dysfunction. A key area they discuss is prostate health and erectile dysfunction because many men get prostate cancer as they age. They tackle questions such as what a guy should do to take care of his prostate, what prostate issues affect erectile function, and what can be done to prevent it.

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Contact Dr. Amy B. Killen at Biorestoration, Draper, UT 801-501-9797

Here is my video series on penis pumps:

Prostate Health and Erectile Dysfunction (Enlarged Prostate, Prostatitis and Prostate Cancer)

Amy B. Killen & Susan Bratton

[Susan] I’m Susan Bratton, your trusted hot sex adviser. I’m with Dr. Amy B Killen in her office in Utah. Amy is a regenerative medicine specialist with erectile dysfunction expertise. I’m delighted to meet you. We’re doing a video series on reversing erectile dysfunction. I’m happy to talk about prostate and erectile dysfunction because I know the least about it. It’s such an essential component of a man’s genital system. I know many men get prostate cancer as they age, so some of the things I wanted to talk about were what a guy should do to take care of his prostate to start? What prostate issues affect erectile function, and what can be done? Let’s start with the younger guy. What does he need to think about so he can keep his full health? 


[Amy] As far as prostate cancer goes, some of the main risk factors we know about in general are that having a plant-based nutritious diet is essential for the prostate, just like for the other cancers. For instance, we know that men who live in Asia have a pretty low risk of prostate cancer, but when they move to the United States, their risk goes way up because of our lifestyle. You want to think about that even if you’re pretty young. Young men can also be affected by prostatitis, which is an infection. It’s acute inflammation. It could be an infection like a sexually transmitted disease.

[Susan] What sexually transmitted diseases affect the prostate? 


[Amy] Chlamydia is one of several of them that can do it. It is pretty standard, and you can have that acutely. It will usually go away with antibiotics. You can also have chronic prostatitis where you have this underlying inflammation that’s not necessarily an infection. Still, it’s just an angry prostate, and it’s a little harder to treat, but there are some medications for that. 

[Susan] I heard you say if you want good prostate health, the best thing is to make sure you don’t get any STDs, so have yourself tested and don’t sleep with people who aren’t tested. Eat giant plates of leafy green vegetables and get exercise. Where have I heard that before? It comes down to lifestyle and preventing it, but if you haven’t been maintaining good prostate health and have prostatitis, what can you do?


[Amy] You want to see your doctor. You want to see your urologist, your primary care doctor because antibiotics are sufficient for prostatitis. There is also something called BPH, which is benign prostate hypertrophy, which means a big swollen prostate. It’s not prostate cancer, but it can still be irritating and cause the same symptoms as feeling you have to urinate frequently. You have to go to the bathroom six times, or you’re dribbling when you’re urinating, or you don’t have a good urine stream. 

You can get that with BPH, and you can also get prostate cancer, which can have the same symptoms. So it’s difficult to tell them apart sometimes, but indeed necessary and vital to get your screening tests. You will get a rectal exam where your doctor will check your prostate for size and make sure you don’t have lumps from nodules. You can get blood tests like the PSA, which is a useful screening test for prostate cancer. 


[Susan] I know you’re going to have questions because it’s impossible for us to go into enough detail on a short video, so I encourage you to ask your questions in the comments below. We can’t give you medical advice for your entire life history, but if you’ve had good experiences or you’re struggling and have a question or something you don’t understand, we welcome those comments. Make sure you watch this whole series of videos. 

Subscribe to because we have talked about many things that affect erectile function, like pinpointing it, your issues, and how you can reverse it and get full function using many of the modalities that Amy uses every single day with men day in and out. Also, don’t forget to take your gift from me, Get Hard Instantly On Command, a little book that I recently wrote that has great stay hard mind tricks. It has information about penis pumps, nitric oxide, testosterone, and chock full of great information. So grab that with a link from this video and download that ebook with my pleasure too. Dr. Amy, thank you so much. I appreciate it, and we will see you on the other side.

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Comment (2)

  1. I have had a TURP in 2018, and am now having trouble getting hard enough for penetration. I am using a pump, but the problem persists. Help please.

    1. Hi Perry,
      You really need to talk to your doctor about these issues. It’s complicated and they have your health history. For ED, ask your Doc if GAINSWave might be a solution. From the TURP, you probably have nerve damage. Maybe a P Shot might help?

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