Sexual Rejuvenation57 Videos

Stem Cell Genital Rejuvenation With ReCELLebrate

Join host Susan Bratton and Dr. Jeffrey Gross as they explore the innovative world of stem cell genital rejuvenation with ReCELLebrate. In this enlightening video, Dr. Gross explains the science behind stem cell therapy and how it can revitalize and restore genital health. Discover the benefits, the procedure, and real-life success stories that highlight the […]

Adult Stem Cell Banking: What You Need to Know

In a captivating interview conducted by Susan Bratton, renowned regenerative medicine expert Kristin Comella sheds light on the concept of adult stem cell banking. Stem cells, which possess the remarkable ability to develop into various cell types in the body, hold immense potential for medical treatments and therapies. Infinite impact:

Vaginal Rejuvenation – Extras at

Links to featured products in this video → Click Here Understanding your body could lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying life. That’s why I want you to check out my wonderful talk with Drew Manning of Fit2Fat2Fit. Discover all about women’s sexual health and vaginal rejuvenation.  Out talk will help shed light on the […]

Sexual Biohacking Show and Tell

I’m Susan Bratton, and it’s lovely to talk to you today. I am an intimacy expert to millions, and there are three legs of the stool of your sexuality. The first is techniques. You have to understand pleasurable practices. I’ve been writing pleasuring techniques for 20 years and can tell you it’s a never-ending possibility […]

Paleo F(x): Sex Tech for Singles and Couples

Get your g-spot, squirting toys, tools, lube guide, and how-to video here. Learn about the various sex toys for singles and couples. Click the links below to purchase your favorite sex toys: SEX TOYS FOR SINGLES AND COUPLES I want to talk about sexual technology. A vibrator doesn’t push away a woman’s ability to orgasm […]

Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment Options

I’m Susan Bratton, intimacy wellness expert to millions, and I’m with Cheryl Schaff, a board-certified family nurse practitioner specializing in women’s vaginal rejuvenation treatment that makes your vulva and clitoris happy because we all atrophy with age. Cheryl Schaaf: FREE Gift: Vaginal Restoration Revealed Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment Options Many of the things that Cheryl […]

Viveve for Incontinence and Vaginal Tightening

I’m Susan Bratton, intimacy wellness expert to millions, and I’m with my friend Cheryl Schaaf. Cheryl is a board-certified family nurse practitioner with expertise in women’s sexual regenerative treatments. Today, we’re doing a video series in her office in Scottsdale, Arizona, discussing different techniques, how they work, and what might be right. Today, we will […]

Cliovana for Clitoral Sensation and Rejuvenation

I’m Susan Bratton, intimacy wellness expert to millions, and I’m with my friend Cheryl Schaaf. She’s a board-certified family nurse practitioner specializing in women’s sexual health and regenerative medicine, specifically for the vulva. In this series, we talk about specific technologies like the FemiLift, Cleovanna, and Revive. Cheryl uses these three technologies in Scottsdale, Arizona, […]

Femi-Lift for Vaginal Lubrication and Anti-Aging

I’m Susan Bratton, intimacy wellness expert to millions. I’m with Cheryl Schaaf, a board-certified registered family nurse practitioner. She is also an aesthetic nurse practitioner, which means she spends a lot of time helping women with treatments that reverse the atrophy of aging, vaginal incontinence, dryness, lubrication issues, and other issues that we face as […]

Restoring Vaginal Wetness

I’m Susan Bratton, an intimacy expert to millions. I want to talk to you about restoring vaginal wetness and getting more lubrication. As we age, our lubrication begins to wane. I will tell you how to reverse it and have all the moisture you need. Buy Flow: FREE Gifts: Vaginal Rejuvenation Book Even though […]