Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Cancer with Susan Bratton and Dr. Doni Wilson – Diagnosis and Treatment

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In this informative video, Susan Bratton and Dr. Doni Wilson discuss the link between Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Cancer and provide valuable insights on its diagnosis and treatment. If you or someone you know is concerned about HPV and its potential health effects, this video is a must-watch.

Check out Dr. Doni’s HPV program here:

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Cancer with Susan Bratton and Dr. Doni Wilson – Diagnosis and Treatment

I’m Susan Bratton, an intimacy expert to millions, and I am with Dr. Donnie Wilson. We’re talking about HPV (human papillomavirus), and if you’re watching this video, you’re either trying to avoid getting it or getting a diagnosis. You’re worried that it’s this death sentence to your sex life and could give you cancer, and what do you do?

I was pleased to meet Dr. Donnie. She has a 12-week program to get you a clean test so you no longer show an infection for HPV. I’m so happy to have you here, Dr. Donnie. Thank you so much for being on my show.

I’m happy to be here. Dr. Donny, tell us about your credentials. You said you’re a naturopathic doctor, but when I look at your bio, there are so many initials and letters behind your name. You’ve had so much training. Please give us the quickest little rundown on your professional history.

I have a doctorate in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University. I also studied as a midwife and am a certified professional midwife. I don’t currently attend births, but I do a lot of women’s health based on my naturopathic and midwifery degrees. I was also trained initially as a nutritionist and certified nutrition specialist.

You have clinical nutrition as part of my training. That’s fantastic. You are the perfect person to help us with the HPV issue. Thank you so much for spending time today. I appreciate the work you’re doing in the world.

Thank you so much, Susan. My goal is to get the rate of cervical cancer and other HPV-related cancers to decrease for women. Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer, which I see as entirely preventable with my protocol.

I hope to see cervical cancer rates decrease below the third most common cancer. I can’t believe it’s the third most common cancer. Everybody has got it. It’s undetectable, but pap smears save the day, so get your pap smear.

Many women are afraid to get a pap because they know they will enter this same cycle with the doctor and the colposcopies. I would say get your pap smears so that you know where you’re starting, so you know the cells are HPV positive, and then come to HPV fix, and we will help you address it.

You can feel empowered about addressing your pap smear and don’t have to fear those results. I want to start with HPV and discuss the biggest problems in handling it in the medical community. What do you offer as an alternative therapy for managing HPV? Can you ever really get rid of it?

How does that work? How do you keep from giving it to others, and what is this plan you have that’s a more functional or systemic approach to managing HPV?

Let’s start with HPV. It’s such a good question because we speak about it as if it’s a single thing, and there are over a hundred types of HPV viruses. Some cause genital warts, what we know as genital warts, and some even cause warts on other parts of the body. There’s a specific type of HPV associated with causing different cancers in both men and women.

It’s associated with causing cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, anal cancer, penile cancer, and oral cancer. I have a friend who almost died from throat cancer from HPV. He was pretty sick but pulled his way through; he had a ruined voice box.

HPV makes many people ashamed, and we will address that fear of having sex with others. It’s a life sentence. When someone contracts HPV, is it typically ones that give you genital warts and cause cancers, or are they different?

How do you know what HPV you’ve got? Do the tests tell you that the types of HPV that cause genital warts tend to be other than the types of HPV that cause cancer?

It is not as precise as we would like, but our testing can identify certain cancer-associated types. Often you might see test types 16 and 18 associated with a higher risk of cervical cancer. I like people to know that it won’t identify all the types.

Sometimes, a test result might say HPV positive for the high-risk type, but it might not tell you the exact type or number, and it varies from lab to lab. I see test results worldwide from labs everywhere; they all report it differently.

I would imagine that most of the tests that come back positive are women getting their annual routine pap smear or STI panel and that we might be catching some things in men who are getting STI testing. Is HPV a standard test in STI testing? For many years, it was not definitive, even with a pap smear.

We would do a pap smear for many years, but you would only test for HPV if the pap were abnormal.

In the past five to ten years, more practitioners are constantly testing for HPV with every pap smear. I’m seeing this more from around the world; that means that when women go in for their annual pap, they find out they had HPV because it wasn’t tested five years ago.

That’s how most women find out they have HPV through their annual pap report for men. There’s no standard screening in most countries worldwide because if someone goes in to be tested for an STI, they usually do blood work, and HPV doesn’t show in standard position.

They would need to do, for men, for example, an anal culture exam to identify it, so it’s not common practice. Often, that means women feel like we’re carrying it on our shoulders because we get this pap smear more often. We’re identifying the HPV and finding out about it, and men are not so, but I would say that’s giving us a heads up and means we can become proactive about it, whereas men often don’t find out they have HPV until they get cancer like my friend who almost died from it.

A rectal screening for a man not having anal intercourse, why would he have a rectal screening? It doesn’t get done, even from an oral exam.

They should be doing an HPV or oral screening on men. We should get an oral HPV screening, which hasn’t become standard practice yet.

The test is a scrape of the cervical tissue in the pap smear that’s then cultured and tested for cancerous cells. There are two different things when you go for a pap smear. They’re sampling cells and looking at them under the microscope.

They’re looking to see if the cells look healthy, which are excellent round pink cells, or if they look a bit abnormal on their way to becoming a cancer cell, meaning the cell becomes a little strange, and the shape of the nucleus changes. They can see this under a microscope that tells us the cells are changing, but that doesn’t identify the HPV.

The doctor has to separately order the HPV test, which looks for the genotype and the genetics of the virus. That’s how they can identify the specific type of virus present.

When you have the HPV that gives you genital warts, that’s pretty visible. Where are they usually located? Are they on the inner labia or outer labia? Where do you usually find them?

In women, you see warts around the labia on the outside or around the opening of the vagina or the anus.

In men, it also could be around the anus, on the scrotum, or the penis. How do you get rid of warts themselves? How do you want to eliminate those when you want to treat them? We’re going to talk about your program,

You have a 12-week program to get your tests and genome tests down to zero, so you’re no longer presenting a virus. How do you eliminate warts if you have those genital warts? They are often treated in the doctor’s office. They can do cryotherapy. They can also give a topical cream. You can apply to warts to get them to go away.

I’ve also used herbal treatments topically on warts to get them to go away. With warts, we want to get the board to go away, but we want to remember that the virus could cause warts again. You want to think, how do I prevent this from happening again?

You want to reduce the viral load from low to non-existent. We can’t say we can get rid of an HPV virus once you have it, but you can manage it so that it doesn’t plague you and give you more warts.

It’s not communicable. You can’t transfer or spread it so you can go on to have a sex life again. It would be beneficial for men to include HPV in their testing. The problem is that they cannot get tested without a rectal culture.

There are now self-tests for HPV, so if a person wants to be proactive, the doctor’s office will not do this.

You can order your home test for HPV; both men and women can do that. They are relatively newer tests. I haven’t worked with them a lot, so I can’t tell you how accurate they are, but it is something because many people feel I wish I could do the test.

The high-risk forms of HPV don’t tend to cause warts, and they don’t tend to cause any symptoms, so men and women have no idea they have these high-risk HPV.

There are no warts. There’s no discharge. There’s nothing we can see, so we end up feeling there’s this significant unknown factor.

Some people decide, “Let me do my home test for HPV so I can find out.”

What company makes a home HPV test, and what are they testing? Is it blood? What are they collecting?

In addition to going to your doctor’s office and having them test the HPV, if you want an at-home test, you can find one online from a lab called Everly Well. They can try for the high-risk types 16 and 18, associated with 74 to 75 percent of cancers related to those two types. That’s one way you can test on your own as a woman. We’ll find out more about male testing for HPV.

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