What Are Your Relationship Values

When you hit the midlife and beyond-point of dating, I recommend you consider your relationship values. What are your relationship values? They are crafted by your culture, faith-based practices, what’s important to you, social skills, confidence levels, and the things you look for in a relationship.

Here’s the link to our downloadable workbook called, Relationship Magic which helps people understand their relationship values. Click here.


When you hit the midlife and beyond-point of dating, one of the things I recommend is to consider your relationship values. Your culture, faith-based practices, what’s important to you, social skills, confidence levels, and the things you look for in a relationship craft your relationship values. 

What do you want in your midlife and beyond that wasn’t so important when you were younger? These relationship values could be part of your faith, family, or community. They could also be passion, fun, adventure, recreational companionship, deep-level communication, feeling, seen, and cared for. 

What’s interesting about relationship values is that yours are different from mine. Each of us has a unique set of values, which are our priority. You can figure it out with my four-page workbook called Relationship Magic. It allows you to go through a checklist of the different values. You can then rank and prioritize them. 

Would I be in a relationship if I couldn’t have this? What is it for you? Is it security, freedom? People have different needs in their relationships, and once you understand your top 4 relationship values, it becomes effortless for you as you date people.

We’ll talk about what it takes to survive in the dating world. When you’re dating people, you can tell them, “I’m looking for a relationship with a lot of freedom, passion, fun and adventure, and honesty.” Those may not be your relationship values. They are just examples of the top relationship values.

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