Sexual Healing: The Sword Of Truth Cuts Away The Dead Branches Of Pity

Amara is a spiritual sexuality expert trained in many ancient lineages of spiritual sexuality, and this is the Shakti Queen series. Amara teaches how a woman can come into her full feminine power and embody the Shakti queen archetype. We will talk to you about how to get out of your way so you can become the Shakti Queen in you right now, how to pick up the sword of truth and beauty and cut away the branches of self-pity, wrath, anger, and victimhood that are keeping you from being the woman who can move forward in her life. Read on to learn more about sexual healing.

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We can want to do all these beautiful things, connect and love, yet if we have wrath, resentment, and pity inside, we can’t use these beautiful techniques. I chose this as one of the five series because I feel like this is the number one reason that keeps women and men from having what they desire. They have this longing for something: love, affection, connection, hot sex, and yet they’re stuck in this place of victimhood.

If you’re reading now, this could be the changing moment of your life. The good news is that we are not wired for failure. We’re wired for bliss, and it takes effort to change these habits and patterns. They don’t go away by just wishing them away, ignoring them, or even acting like the thing you want to be without dealing with issues holding you down.

So, before we can pick up the sword of truth and beauty, we need to tend to that resentment, wrath, and pity lingering inside. How do we accelerate sexual healing?


The first thing is that we must become observers. When we blame someone or tell a story, underneath is some resentment because we’re repeating the story. You’re mad and upset. So, you have to catch yourself in the act. I call it awareness. Catch the tiger by the tail. You have to hear and see yourself doing it.

If you have that awareness, it’s a magical moment. It’s powerful. That is the moment of power because it creates a gap. In that gap, there is a chance or possibility. You have paused the recurring pattern. You have an opportunity, and, in that gap, you want to ask yourself, “Is this working?” No.

You know what isn’t working, and that’s very powerful. You’re starting to command your space. You have the awareness to ask yourself, “Is this easy?” It takes practice. But the training is you ask yourself, “Is this the best way to do it?”

Now, what you must do to rewire those old patterns and habits is to focus on any solution. Anything different will do. By repeating your story, you’re giving more energy and more brain time and wiring that those neural networks to do that thing again and react in the same old way.


By pausing and asking yourself, “Is this working?” and answering “No,” you feel bad, and, at that moment, you can ask yourself what the solution is? And even if you don’t know, that’s okay. You have stopped the train from running, and that’s when you can pull out that sword of truth. That’s when you listen to your inner guidance. You listen to your heart. What does your heart want? Not where you’ve been, but where do you want to go? And your heart will have some answers. Your heart may say, “Just slow down.” Your heart is your cheerleader. It’s always encouraging you. It’s never putting you down, and so when you pick up that sword of truth, that’s when you can wield the truth because the truth is love. Love is strong, courageous, and mighty, and that’s when you cut away the darkness.

We must cut away our darkness. If we can pause ourselves and catch ourselves in the act, we can turn around and change these patterns of habitually getting into criticism, darkness, and victimhood. Stop it in action.

“We love Shakti” is an hour-long lesson by Dr. Amara Charles called the Shakti Wheel of Power. It helps you instantly turn around any blockage, especially when you get hit like deer in the headlights. What can you do differently at this moment? And the truth is that you can train yourself to calm down, pause, slow down and listen. Once you do that, you can begin to shift this pattern; you can change this old habit of being a victim of carrying on resentments.

I’m sure this has given you a great way to approach the next moments of your life. This was four of five videos, each with a fabulous tip inside, and I know you love a prize inside.

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