Peyronies Disease

I’m Susan Bratton with Dr. Charles Runels and we’re talking about Peyronie’s Disease. Peyronie’s disease affects more men than you can imagine and I’m so pleased to talk to Dr. Runels about his solution called the P Shot or Priapus shot.

Firstly, the suffering due to Peyronie’s can be pretty intense and life-changing because the penis becomes bent due to fibrosis. That happens in the connective tissue that surrounds the actual erectile tissue of the penis, the tunica albuginea. The tissue is thick but it can have an autoimmune response due to trauma or unknown reasons which cause it to become thicker on one side. As a result, the penis is not completely straight and if the bend is too much, it can be painful and also mechanically impossible to insert into the vagina. So now he’s unable to make love which is horrible for a relationship. With surgery you can remove the tissue but it could come back at a different place or you could scar it some more. You maybe possibly left with erectile dysfunction if it goes wrong, and the penis may come out shorter than when you started. A shorter penis that will not get erect is not a good outcome. The urologist will do it but it’s really not their favorite surgery.

Non-surgically, there’s a new FDA approved injection called Zyflex which uses collagenese. This is a liquid surgery because by injecting collagenase into that scar, you dissolve it, but if it dissolves too much, it again fractures and you have a limp penis. This procedure costs $15,000.

We now have research showing that using our platelet-rich plasma with our P Shot works better with fewer side effects than Zyflex. The reason we tried it is because PRP has been used for at least 10 or 15 years in the orthopedic and dental fields to help with scarring. So by injecting the plasma into the penis, stem cells come in and remodel that scarring and we have a really high success rate. The side effects of platelet-rich plasma is that you get a harder erection versus the collagenase or the surgery where the side effects are the opposite. It’s suffice to say that you have a much better alternative if you think you’re suffering from Peyronie’s.

Is the O shot or P shot for you? Click here.

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