What To Do When Going Out On Dates

Going on the date is the next phase, and it’s always scary because you’re making it official. I want to tell you to be in your heart and remember that the person sitting across from you is most likely more nervous than you. So if you’re worried, they’re also just as concerned and anxious. Read on to learn what to do on a date…

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[Susan] The person across from you also wants to make a great impression. They want to have a good time too, so bring down the artifice, bring up the heart love, and put your attention on them. Make sure they feel comfortable and have a good time. And remember that most people don’t date that much.

Most people don’t have a lot of practice. It’s not easy for them, so you want to go easy on each other, on yourself and the other person. Don’t expect that it will be this incredible thing. It’s just practice, and practice makes perfect, and the more dates you go on, the easier it’ll be. I think you should go on many different dates to learn what to do on a date. You should have as many dates as you possibly can with people because even if they’re not the one, you will do better by having a lot of dates and more choice.

I call it deal flow. When you have a lot of deal flow, when there are many interested people, you feel better about yourself. Going on that one date doesn’t have so much pressure because you have three more dates this month.

It doesn’t have to be perfect. So say yes to dates and be open to dating people who are a little different than you. Interracial marriage is booming now. Forty-two percent of all marriages in the United States today are interracial, and they are often Hispanic-Caucasian, Latin-Caucasian, and more. More Blacks and Caucasians or Blacks and Hispanics are also coupling.


You want to think about people a lot younger or older than you or are of a different race or religion because you’d be surprised at what that person is inside. The essential core person you’re looking to meet when you go on a date isn’t about their hair color. It’s about who they are in their heart and how they show up as a person on that date.

The final thing about dates is even if you get 10% out of a date, it’s a win. An exciting insight into a world that you didn’t know is that it’s not a bad date if it doesn’t turn into a second date. It means you got to meet someone for a moment in time on this planet. You got to get in their world and expand your heart. You got to have a few blissful moments of fascination with another person.

I want you to go easy on yourself about these things. To wrap-up, have fun. Dating is like being a teenager all over again. It can be an incredible pleasure to go out on dates. I started at the beginning, and I’m ending with a mindset.

It’s all about your positive approach, self-love, the love you have to give, and thinking that even 10% makes something a huge success.

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