Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Options – Pills, Penis Pumps, Testosterone (8 Solutions To ED)

Susan Bratton and Dr. Amy B. Killen are here to talk to you about the eight solutions to erectile dysfunction. Read on to learn more about erectile dysfunction treatments.

Grab my 8 playful bedroom adventures.

Here is my video series on penis pumps.

The recommended 30-minute pumping session:

– Prepare your penis with a warm, wet washcloth or hand towel.
– Lubricate your entire penis and the base of the cylinder with water-based lubricant.
– Place it at the base of your penis and get a good seal.
– Pump for 10 minutes with The Whopper 3-inch cylinder flaccid (not hard).
– Follow the vacuum pressure numbers for the designated week. (-2 to -4 for the first 3 weeks)
– Release the pressure and remove the 3-inch cylinder.
– Enjoy 3 minutes of deep tissue, pleasurable penis massage to gain an erection.
– Pump for another 10 minutes with the 2-inch cylinder with a hard-on at the recommended vacuum pressure.
– Release the pressure of the 2-inch cylinder.
– Wash up and you’re done.

Do this every other day for 90 days to see gains. If you want it to be permanent, continue a maintenance program once or twice a week.

Contact Dr. Amy B. Killen at Biorestoration, Draper, UT 801-501-9797


Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Options – Pills, Penis Pumps, Testosterone (8 Solutions To ED)

[Susan] I’m Susan Bratton, trusted hot sex advisor, and I’m with my friend Dr. Amy Killen. I have a testosterone pellet, and we’re here to talk to you about the eight solutions to erectile dysfunction. Amy, tell us the eight basic big categories of erectile dysfunction treatments, and this depends on your issues, but these are the solutions. 

[Amy] We have drugs, medications, and penis pumps. We have surgical implants, nitric oxide boosters, platelet-rich plasma, and stem cells which are regenerative therapies. Also, GAINSWave therapy and my identical hormone therapy. 


[Susan] There’s a couple of things. First, I have a gift for you before we get on to describing each of these eight solutions to ED. It’s a fun one because once you have the solution to ED, you will need this. It’s 8 Bedroom Adventures because the couple that plays together stays together. I wanted to give you ideas of things you could do in the bedroom that do not require a hard penis. If you’re not having sex because you’re struggling with erectile dysfunction, we’re going to fix that. 

We’re willing to help you figure out how to get to the root cause and work around it. In the interim, I want you to keep your sex life feisty by clicking the link. That’s part of this video and you can download the 8 Bedroom Adventures on the page. I put it in a book for you along with other sex techniques. I know I’m holding this giant penis pump. I’m in love with these penis pumps. They’re brilliant but they are a double-edged sword.

Let’s start with drugs. Those are PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and the injectables, the trimix, the bi-mix which you can inject. You can also use it as a suppository that goes into your urethra. 

[Susan] Talk about the trimix because I think many guys are very familiar with Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis, and they’re generics, but I don’t think many guys are aware of trimix. The first moment they hear they have to put an injection in their penis, they’re “No!” For guys who are okay with it to get a hard-on, that’s who we want to talk to. It’s a really good option for many men. 


[Amy] Some medications cause vasodilation which means opening up the blood vessels, and relaxing the smooth muscles in your penis so you can get good blood flow. You can use a small needle. I’ve got it in my pocket. It’s not very big. You can inject the medication into your penis at home and within thirty minutes, you have an erection that will last a couple of hours. 

[Susan] The trimix is three different drugs because it’s a fast-acting, long-acting medium. 

[Amy] There are different formulations that you can make, but there’s trimix and a bi-mix. Most of them increase blood flow by different mechanisms. 

[Susan] It’s a good option if you don’t have frequent intercourse. When you do have intercourse, you want something that is guaranteed to work for most people. It doesn’t work for everyone but it works for a lot of people. Talk about electric penis pumps. It has a universal piece to it which is nice. I don’t have to measure and have all the different sizes. This is not a common hand pump. Talk about the penis pump. You often give these as part of GAINSWave post-therapy. 

[Amy] Even after P shots. I give them after that. 

[Susan] Because you want to suck that PRP into the skin and tissue. 


[Amy] I use penis pumps primarily to increase blood flow and oxygen to the penis. It’s helpful in different guises. It helps people who have our post prostatectomies, after prostate surgery. It’s important to get blood flow in there after procedures like the P shot and GAINSWave so I use it for exercising the penis. 

You can use it to pump up the penis, and then you can put a rubber band around the base of it and use it to have sex. But I most commonly use it as more of an exercise for your penis.

[Susan] I always worry about guys using cock rings and other heavy bands around the base of the penis because I’ve seen many damaged penises from overuse. 

[Amy] You got to be careful for sure.

[Susan] I have also talked to men who have over-pumped using penis pumps. You have to be careful because you can reduce the sensation by over-pumping. Don’t be the guy that’s like, “I’m going to take it to eleven!” That’s just not a good idea. 

[Amy] Frequent light use is 10-20 minutes a couple of times a week. 


[Susan] I know you’re busy and you don’t have a ton of time to pump up your penis, but this is a very good modality for many guys because it increases the vascularization of their penis. It’s growing new blood vessels. 

[Amy] There’s some evidence that you could increase size with penis pumps too. Girth more than length. 

[Susan] Next, on this episode of erectile dysfunction treatments, we have surgical penile implants. 

[Amy] This is not something that I do personally but certainly urologists do this often. You take out the corpus cavernosum, the tubes that fill your penis with blood, and you replace those with other tubes that you can pump up on your own. 

[Susan] It’s a pretty amazing technology and several companies are working to perfect it. So it could be a possibility for you depending on the type of ED and damage you have and the solution you seek. 


I’ve got something else in my pocket for you. This is NEO40. This is great because it has clinical studies. 

[Amy] NEO40 is a great supplement for increasing nitric oxide and that’s something that men need if they want to have an erection. As you get older, your nitric oxide levels start to go down. NEO40 and other things like it that boost nitric oxide are important. It also is important for drugs like Viagra to work. 

[Susan] You take this about half an hour before lovemaking, and it helps your body utilize your nitric oxide for an erection. 

[Amy] I tell people to take it every day because it’s good for all kinds of things, your triglycerides, blood pressure, and your inflammatory markers. There’s a whole list of things. I just tell people to take it even twice a day. 

[Susan] You can get it on Amazon and it’s made from beets interestingly enough. We’re gonna do a special episode just on nitric oxide and talk to you a lot more about it. One of the interesting things is there’s arginine and nitric oxide. Dr. Amy will explain why young men need one thing and older men can use another. 

Also, make sure that you subscribe to this channel so you get our whole series of videos on how to fix your erectile dysfunction. Don’t forget to get that Eight Bedroom Adventures in the link with the show notes. 


We’re moving on to PRP, platelet-rich plasma, and stem cells. Talk about what those are knowing that we will do a whole episode on them,  but we’re gonna whet your appetite for PRP. 

[Amy] PRP, platelet-rich plasma, is made from taking some of your blood. We concentrate on the platelets. You have strong platelets which have growth factors in them.

We can then inject those into your penis and the gross doctors can do things like increase blood flow. There’s also some evidence that you could have increased nerve regeneration, and increased sensitivity. You’re regenerating this tissue which requires that. 

You can also do stem cells. This is an area that’s still being researched quite a bit. Different types of stem cells have been looked at for doing the same things. Which is taking some stem cells, putting them into the penis, and you’ve got regeneration of tissue in many cases.


[Susan] If you’re over 40, regenerative medicines are a good category for you to learn about because it’s a burgeoning area. 

Dr. Amy is a medical doctor in the area of regenerative medicine in the specific category of erectile dysfunction. What’s so awesome is that we’re going to talk to you more about the Priapus shot or the P shot which uses PRP and/or the stem cells as a turbocharger. 

We’re going to do a whole episode on that and one on GAINSWave technology which is also a very interesting tissue regenerative strategy. 

Those are two more of the solutions. I don’t think we need to spend a lot of time on those. But we should talk about when you said HRT and I said bioidentical, you said you would never prescribe anything that wasn’t bioidentical. Talk a little bit about that so for men. 


[Amy] We do a lot of tests for men. We do all kinds of testosterone. 

I would make a little incision and put it in your hip area and it would stay there for four, five, or six months. It dissolves slowly and you get this slow release of testosterone over time. 

We also have pretty easy creams. You do a couple of clicks on this thing. You put the cream on once or twice a day and you’ve got your testosterone throughout the day. We also do injectables which is a common method of injecting testosterone. You can do injections once a week, even every day sometimes instead of other therapies. 

[Susan] Is there a point at which a guy can do testosterone and not have to worry about it anymore. If he gets on it, does he have to stay on it? 

[Amy] That’s a good question. Oftentimes, we will also prescribe things like Clomid or HCG which keep your testosterone production going. Once you’ve hit a certain age, if you’re not making much testosterone, to begin with, you probably don’t need to keep your testosterone going. 

When you take testosterone, it can shut down your production so you have to be careful and make sure you know what you’re doing and your doctor also knows what they’re doing. 


[Susan] There are eight erectile dysfunction treatments. Also, grab your Eight Bedroom Adventures to go along with it. Come and join us on the other side when we talk about things like the Priapus Shot, GAINSwave technology, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, and nitric oxide because we’re going to dig into each one in its video. 

We’d love to have you join us.

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