Sexual Energy Play for Couples – Future of Sex 4 of 10

Welcome to the Future of Sex! I’m Susan Bratton and in this video, you will gain a deeper appreciation of your sexual energy.

Get your free audio called The Orgasmic Fantastic Sex Date and learn how to set the environment for total sexual surrender. Click here.

Welcome to The Future of Sex Series. I’m Susan Bratton, a trusted hot sex advisor to millions. In this next video in our series, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation of sexual energy. Plus, the basics you need to start playing with that energy the next time you get with your lover.

If you’ve been wondering what the word “energy” means in the context of passionate sex, you’re not alone. Let me drill it down for you.

First of all, I want to set your mind at ease: you don’t need to study tantra or start practicing qigong for sexual energy to become tangible. All you have to do is “act as if” and start to play with it, then sexual energy will show itself to you.

Once that elusive energy becomes more real, you will be able to deepen your physical, emotional, and spiritual connection to your own body and, ultimately, connect more deeply with your partner.



Welcome to the Future of Sex! I’m Susan Bratton, trusted hot sex adviser to millions, and in this video in my series. You will gain a deeper appreciation of your sexual energy.

I will give you the basics of playing with sexual energy the next time you get with your lover. If you’ve been wondering what the word energy means in the context of passionate sex, you’re not alone. So, let me drill it down for you.

First, I want to set your mind at ease. You don’t need to study Tantra or practice qigong for sexual energy to become tangible. All you have to do is act as if and play with it. Then, sexual energy will show itself to you. Once that elusive energy becomes real, you’ll be able to deepen your physical, emotional, and spiritual connection to your body and ultimately connect deeply with your partner.


A simple way to identify sexual energy is by becoming aware of your arousal. It’s that feeling we call “getting turned on.”

It’s a choir of responses that sing as your pleasure circuits hum with the anticipation of more pleasure. At a physiological level, your body and your mind begin to phase-shift. Your breath, heart rate, the focus of attention, sense of time, space, and self all shift and change as your sexual energy builds and moves through you.

These changes may be subtle. You may find yourself quickly panting one moment or breathing deeply the next.

You might feel your temperature rising, your skin becoming more sensitive and alive, your body writhing, your spine arching, your hips grinding, your heartbeat can quicken, or it could slow way down.


These shifts indicate that your sexual energy is moving, and if you’re having great sex, you’ve discovered your natural ability to allow your sexual energy to build. You ride it for a while and ride the wave of pleasure over the crest and into orgasm.

If you want to sharpen your ability and tune into your sexual energy, here are three easy, super-simple ways:

Let’s talk about looking into your lover’s eyes. We’ve all heard the saying, “The eyes are the window to the soul—what better time to connect at a soul level than while making love.

Start by looking softly into your lover’s eyes. Don’t stare them down. Be aware of how that makes your body feel. Notice if you feel more connected to your lover.


Next, tune into their breathing. Allow your breathing to sync up with theirs. This will happen very naturally as you put your attention to it. Touch your lover with your hand and heart. It’s a simple matter of intention. There’s nothing esoteric or woo-woo going on. It will come naturally.

The first time you do it, you were made to do this. You both will feel the difference in the connection between you. When you touch, let your desire for your lover flow into your fingers and body.

Focus on feeling them rather than thinking about how to touch them. At this point, you can begin to play with your sexual energy. There’s no right or wrong way to do it as long as whatever you’re doing is consensual. The more you play with the energy, the more it will build into that wave and carry you toward orgasm.

Continue to breathe together. Play around with spreading the pleasure throughout your body and drawing it from your loins to your heart. When you’re inside her, see if she can feel the difference when you direct your sexual energy through your penis and into her body with intention.


The key is to be playful. Effort and seriousness have no place in the bedroom. For those who become familiar with this sexual energy and consciously cultivate and work with the currents, playing with sexual energy becomes an intentional self-directed process with infinite reward.

Sex gets so much better, so if you’ve ever had an experience like this. I’d love you to comment and share what it feels like when you play with your sexual energy because your stories help us experience more pleasure and connection. Give us the gift of your experience, and watch my next video because I’m going to tell you how to increase your sexual energy.

This is the Future of Sex. Sign up for my Better Lover channel. Every week I put up a new sex technique for you to add to your repertoire. Click here and get your free audio called the Orgasmic Fantastic Sex Date, and learn how to set the environment for total sexual surrender to pleasure with your lover.

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