Sexual Energy: Fun Couple’s Exercise – Future of Sex 6 of 10

I’m super excited about the topic we’re going to discuss in this video: specific practices for a sexual energy exchange, guaranteed to make you a better lover.

Get a lover’s game called “Hug, Kiss, Stroke” as my gift to you. Click HERE.

Welcome to Video #6 in The Future of Sex Series. I’m Susan Bratton, a trusted hot sex advisor to millions.

When two people decide to play with sexual energy exchange consciously, it’s best to begin by simply looking into each other’s eyes with a soft gaze. Let go of your thoughts as much as possible. Let go, too, of the assumptions you’ve made about the person in front of you. Become curious about who they are beyond all that, beyond what you already know.

Now bring your attention back to yourself and notice how you feel physically, emotionally, and mentally. If you’re a spiritual person, tune in to how this affects you.

If the eyes are indeed the window to the soul, what do you see through that window?

It has also been said that the heart is the doorway to the infinite. Now feel into your own heart as you gaze into your lover’s eyes. What is in your heart as you gaze at your beloved?

You can take this practice to the next level by shifting the focus, going back and forth from attention on yourself to attention on your partner as you breathe in and out.

When you’re ready, add the element of touch by reaching out and taking your lover’s hands or placing your hand on their heart.

You might also climb into your partner’s lap and sit in what is called yab-yum position, facing each other with your legs intertwined. {yabyum}

If you’re uncomfortable doing this in an upright position, find a comfortable way to do so lying down. Synchronize your breaths and feel what happens to your sexual energy.

You can expand your repertoire of sexual-energy play in many ways that don’t involve lovemaking and add to the build-up of sexual energy.

The best way to do this is to engage your five senses. Use aromatic oils. Play soft music. Massage each other. Bring a beautiful bouquet into the room. Get creative and find ways to delight all of your senses. The sexual energy will build, and before you know it, you’ll be kissing and caressing each other.

Once you start making love, breathe deeply together, use your intention to start spreading the sexual energy through your body.

Men, be especially attentive when you are inside a woman. Send your sexual energy down through your manhood and into her body very intentionally. Focus more on feeling her than pushing in and out of her.

Women, allow yourself to open and receive their energy. See if you can allow it to flow through your vagina and into your body like a river, then allow it to flow back into his body.

And most importantly: have fun with it! Play with sexual energy and allow it to lead you into higher and higher levels of pleasure. Your sexual potential is literally infinite.

In the next video in this series, we’ll go into Advanced Sexual Energy Techniques.

This is The Future of Sex.

And do add your comment below and share your journey of discovery about this marvelous stuff we call sexual energy.



Welcome to Video 6 in the Future of Sex. I’m Susan Bratton, trusted hot sex adviser to millions, and I’m excited about the topic we’re going to discuss in this week’s video: Specific practices for playing with sexual energy exchange guaranteed to make you a better lover.

When two people decide to play with their sexual energy consciously, it’s best to begin by looking into each other’s eyes with a soft gaze. Let go of your thoughts as much as possible and try to be present at the moment. Look into their eyes and see them. Let go of the assumptions you’ve made about that beautiful person in front of you and become curious about who they are beyond what you already know.

Now bring your attention back to yourself. This is how you feel physically, emotionally, and mentally, and if you’re a spiritual person, tune in to how this affects you to look into your lover’s eyes. If the eyes are indeed the window to the soul, what do you want to see? It’s also been said that the heart is the doorway to the infinite. Now feel into your soul as you gaze into your lover’s eyes. What is in your heart as you gaze at your beloved?

You can take this practice to the next level by shifting the focus, going back and forth between attention on yourself to your partner as you breathe in and out together. When you’re ready, add the touch element by taking your lover’s hands or placing your hand on their heart. You might also climb into your partner’s lap and sit in a yab-yum position facing each other with your legs intertwined.


If you’re uncomfortable doing this in an upright position, lie down, synchronize your breath and feel your sexual energy. You can expand your repertoire and sexual energy play in many ways that don’t involve lovemaking but add to the buildup of sexual excitement. The best way to do this is to engage your five senses. Use aromatic oils to touch your lover, play soft music, massage each other, bring a beautiful bouquet into the room. Get creative and find ways to delight all your senses. The sexual energy will build, and before you know it, you’ll be kissing and caressing each other.

Once you start making love, breathe deeply together. Then use your intention to begin spreading the sexual energy through your body and your lover’s body. Guys, be incredibly attentive when you’re inside a woman. Send your sexual life down through your manhood and into her body very intentionally. Focus more on feeling her than pushing in and out. And women, allow yourself to open and receive his energy. Let it flow through your vagina and into your body like a river, and then allow it to flow back into his body.


Most importantly, have fun with it. Play with sexual energy and let it lead you into higher levels of pleasure. Your sexual potential is infinite. Sex can keep getting better your whole life.

In my next video, we’re going to go into advanced sexual energy techniques, so I want you to do this one so you can do the advanced stuff next. This is the Future of Sex, and please consider subscribing to my “Better Lover” channel. I send out a new sex technique like this every week, and if you’ve had experiences like this, comment below and share your journey of discovery about this amazing stuff we call sexual energy.

And one more thing: I have a game for you. If you click here, you will get a lover’s play called “Hug, Kiss, and Stroke” as my gift to you. I’ll see you on the other side.

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