Non-Hormonal Contraception and Fertility Awareness Method Explained

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Women everywhere are claiming their sexual power in new ways from eschewing birth control pills (horrible hormone impact) and tampons (bleached, toxic, lubrication-robbing landfill) to celebrating their menstruation and getting in touch with their natural hormonal cycles of ovulation. And one of the more intimate ways you can do that is by practicing the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM).

In this video, I talk with Nicole Harlow of Girl Meets Body IN DETAIL about the “what, where, when, and how” of the Fertility Finger test. This approach transforms the Fertility Awareness Method from a “habit” to an act of self-love and sexually awakening.

Whether you use FAM for contraception or to get pregnant, this video will give you a heartfelt approach that grows sweeter and sweeter over time.

We talk about:

* How FAM works for contraception.
* How to know when you’re fertile.
* When it’s safe to have sex if you don’t want to get pregnant.
* How your monthly cycle impacts your vaginal secretions.
* How to track your ovulation.
* What it means when your vaginal fluid turns color.
* How to handle having a quickie when you’re in a dry phase… or nearing ovulation.
* Why the position of your cervix changes.
* Sperm motility and your vaginal secretions.
* What to look for in your panties, (hint: a smear, a plug, a circle…)

And that’s just a little of what Nicole and I cover in this information-packed video.

Sure, you can download an app to support the FAM method. And while apps are certainly useful, why put your fertility solely in the hands of an algorithm? Take your fertility in your own hands… or, in this case, your fingers!

Day-to-day communication with your body, your vagina, your cervix, and your vaginal secretions, will give you insight into your body’s pattern. You’ll go from “I don’t know what’s going on with my body” to actually knowing what your body is telling you.

True women’s empowerment… that’s what I’m talkin’ about!

Let me and Nicole take you by the hand and lead you through this simple, sympto-thermal method in a way that allows you to connect deeply with your body.

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Comment (2)

  1. I love this idea of connecting daily with my vagina/cervix. What might I expect to feel at age 70? I have been non sexual for a couple of years due to a divorce, covid… But I am working on toning and lubricating my vagina (jade egg, self-pleasuring). I know both of you are younger, but you may know the general pattern for someone my age. Thank you.

    1. Hi Mary,
      I’m so glad you are using an egg and self-pleasuring. I’d recommend either the Lady Bi or Miss Bi (one is smaller) dual motor self-pleasuring tool, or the Bi-Stronic fusion all from All three have dual motors for external clitoral and internal vaginal/cervical stimulation. However the Bi-Stronic is also a pulsator, which means it will stroke in and out of your vaginal canal for you. This stroking motion is similar to intercourse and wakes up the internal tissue more than simple vibration to the external clitoris. This will increase your blood flow (I’d also take our Nitric Oxide Booster, FLOW 2 capsules at night and 2 before a self-pleasuring experience so you increase blood flow to your pelvis. The increased blood flow improves engorgement. Engorgement is when your clitoral, urethral and perineal erectile tissue systems become filled with blood, or tumesced. This tumescence increases surface area, which increases pleasure sensations and lubrication. All of this results in more pleasure and intensity of orgasm.

      If you have extra money to spend on your vulval pleasure, a O Shot is also very good for reconstituting the tissue of the clitoral structure for more orgasmic pleasure. Here are more videos about what O Shots or Orgasm Shots are and how they work.

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