Foreplay Techniques

Sex doesn’t mean we’re going to have intercourse, it means we’re going to play with each other’s genitals and make out. Learn more about foreplay techniques.

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Foreplay Techniques

I’m Susan Bratton, a trusted hot sex adviser to millions. I get the lucky task of being the Dear Abby of sex. 

I love to help people learn how to have passionate lovemaking and teach people bedroom communication skills. The third leg of that stool is all-important because, without your sexual health, it’s hard to have sex. 

Men and women both take 20 minutes to half an hour to get that erectile tissue fully engorged. However, men, because they can get a quick erection, think they’re always ready. 

Women are not ready at all, so they don’t have orgasms from penetration. They want to have less sex over time instead of more. Sex doesn’t mean we’re going to have intercourse, it means we’re going to play with each other’s genitals and make out. We’re going to have full-body sensual massages, or we’ll try oral pleasuring techniques. 

You need to get out of the mentality of sex as intercourse and get into it as sex as playtime to pleasure each other and expand your pleasure palette. Think “What can do that would the next moment bring my partner more pleasure?” 

Whether that’s “I’m going down on you” or “You’re going down on me,” or “You’re giving me a genital massage,” or “I’m giving you a handjob.” Many of these go by the wayside when couples default to penetrative sex. That’s why learning foreplay techniques is important.

I wanted to let you know I have a lot more resources about this topic in the links associated with this video.

Grab This Penis Pumping Guide for Enlargement or Reversing Atrophy and Erectile Dysfunction. Click HERE.

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