Birth Control Pill and Irregular Periods

Has “the pill” mucked up your moon cycle?
“Wait. I was told the pill would make me regular. I didn’t know that meant my ovaries would shut down!”

The Queens of Self Care are back! Dr. Jolene Brighten and don our crowns to help you understand why taking the Birth Control Pill makes irregular periods WORSE.

If you’re period is irregular and you’ve been on the pill, or…

If you’ve been told the pill will help you get regular…

This conversation is MUST WATCH.

Too many women, myself included, suffer the fallout of prescription birth control. It cost me my gall bladder for heaven’s sake! That’s why I’m so passionate about this conversation.

If you’re concerned about “pill bleed…”

If the idea of suppressing your natural reproductive cycle bothers you…

(Synthetic hormones trick your brain into thinking your pregnant so your ovaries stop releasing eggs.)

If your concerned about blood sugar regulation…

If you’ve heard that birth control pills result in nutrient deficiencies that impact your period-cycling…

If you’re a woman who wants to feel empowered by her moon cycle, and connected to her natural rhythms…

You’re going to love this conversation between me and Dr. Jolene a naturopathic doctor.

GET YOUR MOON CYCLE FLOWING AGAIN ← Watch now (Dr. Jolene has real answers)

I particularly love Dr. Jolene’s emphasis on Food As Medicine. Her “seed cycling” approach is totally fascinating, especially if your a big smoothie fan like me. Adding fresh ground flax and raw pumpkin seeds to your diet during one phase of your moon cycle, and sesame and sunflower seeds during the other phase can actually help balance your hormones.

You really can have a beautiful relationship with your moon cycle.

Dr. Jolene Brighten’s Birth Control Hormone Reset can reverse the side effects of birth control in as little as 5 weeks.

I am always bringing you expert advice to help you feel better, look better, and expand your capacity for pleasure. Thank you for helping me grow.

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