Stem Cells vs Exosomes

This conversation between Susan Bratton, an intimacy expert, and Dr. Jeffrey Gross, a regenerative doctor, focuses on explaining the difference between stem cells and exosomes. Dr. Gross describes stem cells as the biological elements that create and renew our tissues throughout life. He then explains that exosomes are small particles produced by cells, particularly stem cells, that act as messengers. These exosomes deliver signals to other cells in the body, instructing them on various functions such as reducing inflammation or promoting healing in specific organs. This explanation provides a simple overview of how stem cells and exosomes contribute to the body’s regenerative processes.

Full Transcript:

Susan: [00:00:00] I have another question for you.

Dr. Jeffrey Gross: Well shoot.

Susan: So my name is Susan Bratton. I’m an intimacy expert and this is Dr. Jeffrey Gross and he is my regenerative doctor. Would you describe the difference between stem cells and exosomes in a very simple way for people?

Dr. Jeffrey Gross: Sure. As we know, stem cells are the biological elements that created us in the first place and we use later in life to help renew and restore and replace our own tissues and exosomes are the small particles that cells, particularly in this case, stem cells make that delivered a signal to other cells in our body to tell them what to do.

It could be, Hey, stop inflaming. Hey, why don’t you get back on the bandwagon and heal this organ or something like that. So we tap into that cell signaling through exosomes.

Susan: That makes a lot of sense.

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