ReCELLebrate Blooper

This appears to be a transcript of a casual conversation between Susan Bratton, who introduces herself as an intimacy expert, and Dr. Jeffrey Gross from Recelebrate, presumably a regenerative medicine practice. The dialogue has a lighthearted tone, with Susan forgetting her intended question and jokingly acknowledging her need for cognitive enhancement. Dr. Gross plays along, suggesting they could create an outtake reel. Despite the momentary lapse, Susan indicates that she remembers her original question, though it isn’t stated in this excerpt. The interaction seems to be part of a more formal recording or interview that has taken an amusing, unscripted turn.

Full transcript:

Susan: [00:00:00] Uh, Hi, I’m Susan Bratton, intimacy expert to millions. I’m here with my doctor, my regenerative doctor, Dr. Jeffrey Gross of Recelebrate.

Dr. Jeff Gross: Hi, everyone.

Susan: And um, the question that I have is, um, oh, I forgot it. Shit. Hang on a second. And we might have to do that over. I had a good one. Um What

Dr. Jeff Gross: cognitive enhancement tool do you use?

Susan: Hahaha! Obviously, I need to get one of those.

Dr. Jeff Gross: We could have an outtake reel.

Susan: Um, it was, I know what it is, I know what it is.

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