Skiing Recovery

This conversation highlights a successful three-pronged approach to treating torn ACLs and MCLs without surgery. The patient, Susan, combined intensive physical training, scar tissue removal therapy, and stem cell injections directly into her bones. Dr. Jeffrey Gross emphasizes the synergistic effect of these methods, which resulted in significant pain reduction, improved functionality, and measurable ligament regrowth within six months. The positive outcome allows Susan to resume skiing and demonstrates the potential of integrating regenerative medicine with traditional rehabilitation techniques for treating ligament injuries.

Full transcript:

Susan: [00:00:00] So, we were talking about how we used stem cells and exosomes to repair my torn ACLs and MCLs. And I said that there were really three things I did that made it such that I could go skiing again with no problem. One was working out, doing a lot of kind of personal training and getting a lot more strength in my legs.

Working on my balance the brain to body connection is to reestablish it after it got ripped. Second thing I was doing was scar tissue demolition. And my therapist broke it down and broke it down and broke it down.

It was gnarly. And then the third thing we did was we did the stem cell injections. You drilled them right into my bones.

Dr. Jeffrey Gross: Yes, ma’am.

Susan: So what do you think was the contribution of those three things? Were they all like equally contributive? What do you think when you think about that?

Dr. Jeffrey Gross: I think it’s the synergy of all of them. I think that one, you know, the [00:01:00] regenerative biologics we did would, would be good. The rehab you did would be great, but together they amplified. So all of these components together gave you the kind of result that I’m so happy you got and you’re able to ski, you did not need surgery.

You know, your pain is you know, 95% gone, if not more. I couldn’t have asked for a better result. So good job. Thank you. Thank you for making me look good.

Susan: My pleasure. I’m looking forward to the next MRI that we do, like later this year before I come back again. Because I definitely want to see how much more of my ligaments have regrown back.

That’s amazing that 16 to 20%, depending on what part you measured, of my ligaments grew back within about six months. of beginning the process?

Dr. Jeffrey Gross: We saw that it was yeah, it’s about half a year, I think. And, you know, we’re doing these MRIs out of curiosity. You’re feeling good there. We don’t need to do it just to do it.

We’re doing it to get the data out of the nerdy pursuit that we [00:02:00] share. So, yeah. And because you don’t need anything else except continued good use of your knees. Yeah.

Susan: I just need more skiing.

Dr. Jeffrey Gross: We all need more. I love it.

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