Sexual Biohacking – Ageless Sexuality Solutions: Atrophy, ED, Painful Sex, Hormone Imbalances and More

I’m Susan Bratton, an intimacy wellness expert to millions. This video is about sexual biohacking and ageless sexuality solutions that restore your genitals and reverse atrophy, ED, painful sex, hormone imbalances, and more.

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So, what is sexual biohacking?

It is regenerative treatments, therapies, and lifestyle methods that allow you to reverse aging, in this case, in your genitals. Atrophy happens to all of us as we get old. Sensation loss also occurs as we age. Painful sex and erectile dysfunction for both sexes arise too. Although people connect erectile dysfunction with men, women have the same erectile tissue in their genitals as their male partners.

We get ED too, which means we don’t get full blood flow and don’t have the same sensation we used to have. We lose lubrication. Loss of lubrication is a big thing for women. Loss of semen force and volume is significant for men, as are prostate issues and incontinence or urinary problems for male and female bodies.

Many things can go wrong as we age because our entire bodies are affected. However, there are many things that you can do. Biohackers like to talk about things in terms of the stack, which means something you do together that works synergistically to give you the ageless longevity you’re looking for.

You don’t have to have trouble getting hard, difficulty feeling pleasure. When you stack, you might not eat, might not need all these things, but it will give you a good list to consider so you can say, “My issue might be sensation loss, lubrication issues, having painful sex, or I’m getting a little bendy, and I’m not as firm as I used to be. I don’t feel the pleasure I used to feel, I’m up all night peeing, or I pee when I cough, run, or jump.”

You must think about it in terms of what I’m about to say, and I will go through different modalities and treatment options, and you can choose things that might be of interest.

I have many videos at that go through each of the things I’m about to talk about, so if you think testosterone is my issue or my problem is blood flow, then you can find more at

So, the stack. Many people think, “My libido is low because my hormones are down,” and hormones indeed affect libido, but it is a secondary, not a primary issue.

The primary issue is often blood flow, which is a loss of nitric oxide production, not hormone production failure.

When you produce fewer hormones as you age, estrogen is not why women’s libidos flat-lining. It’s usually a loss of blood flow and a lack of the sex that women need to get fully engorged to bring their erection, not just clitoral but their whole vulva, all of the parts of the female genitals.

The hormone that affects sex for women is estrogen, but only when it includes the thinning of the lining of the vaginal mucosa. Even if you don’t want bioidentical hormone replacement, you can use plant-based estrogens or DHEA, a precursor to estrogen in your vagina, in a cream-based solution that will help thicken that vaginal mucosa.

For men, it’s often a loss of testosterone preventing them from getting the erections they want. Both men and women have testosterone, and it is the hormone of lust and desire. Many women supplement our testosterone in addition to our estrogen. If you’d like to learn more, I have two gifts. One is, in which I go through a series of videos to help you understand how to test your hormones, what tests to get, how to understand them, and your options for hormone replacement therapy or creating your own endogenous or internally-generated hormones rather than exogenous, which is taking hormone replacement therapy.

The other gift you might like is an entire interview I did with Ben Greenfield, a biohacker, about how to generate your testosterone. That’s at, and it’s a video with a transcript that dives deep into producing your endogenous testosterone with supplements and other modalities.

The most important thing is it comes down to your gut microbiome. If your gut biome is messed up, you can’t produce the hormones you need or the neurotransmitters that make sex feel good. If you’re not well-hydrated and don’t have good bacteria lining, you won’t produce the natural hormones.

It all starts in the biome. Things like probiotics and prebiotics and getting rid of parasites and bacterial overgrowth are essential. I always say, if the poop comes out of your butt super quickly and pirouettes and swirls down the toilet effortlessly. If you have trouble with pooping, that’s your first sign of the thing you need to take care of, and it’s not a hormone issue. Examine the gut before you even think about bioidentical hormone replacement or replacing your hormones endogenously.

The other vital conversation to have is about sexual lubricants. Lubrication is considered a Class 2 FDA product, and because of that, it needs to have preservatives. Many of the preservatives are toxic. They’re chemicals that are not very good for you. They make sure that no bacteria gets into the product, so you don’t get an infection.

The problem is that you’re putting toxins on your genitals, so I recommend you stick with organic nut oils like avocado, sweet almonds, and jojoba. These oils have different viscosities. You might have an allergy to avocados. There are many choices, but using a simple nut oil is all you need for a lubricant.

You can use as much as you want and what’s nice is you can wipe it off, and it’s even edible. So, if you’re going from intercourse to oral pleasuring, you don’t have these nasty chemicals in your body.

I always say that if you wouldn’t put it in here, you shouldn’t put it down there because you don’t want the toxins to mess up your gut biome and ruin your hormone production.

It all goes back to the gut ultimately because you have to think about this as one tube—your mouth to your genitals, your rectum, your vagina, and your urethra. We are made of a lot of pipes, but they all have mucous membranes in them.

The same mucous membrane in your mouth is in your genital mucous membranes, and they’re very delicate.

Putting chemicals on them is not a great idea, so consider getting yourself organic oils. If you are a condom user and are worried about the lubricant and the condom together, the Trojan Supra is an excellent brand impervious to oils. It protects you from getting most STIs.

STIs are not all contained by a condom. They can jump the ship if you will. There are over 20 STIs, and they spread through skin-to-skin contact, and a condom won’t protect you. That’s for a separate video which you can find at I talk a lot about STIs and safe sex.

Let’s get to blood flow because everything from GAINSWave, Phoenix Pro, PRP, penis and vulva pumps, and vibrators help blood flow. I will show you a lot of technologies and talk about treatments and modalities. It all comes down to blood flow to your genitals.

I will start with the men and move to the women, and I want to tell you that I support all gender expressions. But when you are born with XX or XY chromosomes, you start with a penis and prostate or a vagina, clitoris, and a g-spot.

It’s important to understand that we have the same amount of erectile tissue, whether we are XX or XY. We all suffer from erectile dysfunction as we age, and we need good blood flow. Some things can restore blood flow.

Let me show you how it works. You’re probably familiar with the beautiful penis and testicles. I want to show you what it looks like inside that skin. Inside, we have the bladder, the prostate, the suspensory ligament, which will come in when I talk about penis pumps and vacuum erection devices.

We have the testicles and the penis. In the penis, there are three big erectile tissue chambers, of which two are the corpora cavernosa and one corpus spongiosum. The spongiosum surrounds the urethra. This is where the ejaculate and urine come out.

These two are the big chambers that get blood. Now, men have hemodynamics that allows their penis to go from flaccid to erect quickly, which is excellent. The blood expands it. It locks the blood into the penis, and he has an erection.

The most common erectile dysfunction issue is called a venous leak. That’s when your vascular system fills up. The outside of the blood vessels are weak from artery plaque and become brittle. The smooth muscle tissue or endothelial cells line the outer layer of your vascular system and can’t lock tight to hold the blood in. Then, you get bendy and start to get erectile dysfunction.

Some men have trouble getting the blood in, but most men can’t keep it in, so I will tell you about treatments. GAINSWave, Phoenix Pro, PRP, the whopper penis pump, and the vulva pump for women help you restore this endothelial layer of smooth muscle tissue and stimulate new tissue growth. That erectile tissue fills up with blood.

I want you to remember how much tissue we’re looking at here in the blue and green erectile tissue image. Because I will show you what it looks like in women. This same amount of erectile tissue is in our vulvas. It’s just in different places.

This is the beautiful vulva. We have the clitoral hood and the clitoral glans. We’ve got the outer labia, the inner labia, and the opening to the vagina called the vestibule. Inside the vestibule, there’s the urethral exit where the pee comes out. There’s the vaginal opening from which you can get to the g-spot. Outside the urethral area, you can touch the g-spot too.

You’ve got the perineum and the anus. When I peel away the skin, you can see what the erectile tissue looks like in the vulva. That’s what’s underneath. Here’s the clitoral head. That’s called the glands like the tip of the penis. Here’s the clitoral shaft. These are the crura of the clitoral arms that drape over the vagina. They’re in the channel between the inner and outer labia, and these big hanging things are the vestibular bulbs or the clitoral legs. That’s the clitoral system of erectile tissue, but that’s just one of three erectile tissue systems in the vulva.

The second one is this little tube called the urethral canal or the g-spot. But it’s not a spot. Instead, it’s a long noodle of erectile tissue that fills with blood.

Down here is the perineal sponge between the vagina and the rectum. Three erectile tissues in the vulva wrap around an embrace just like a bracelet wraps around the vagina, which also has mechanoreceptors that feel pressure and touch.

This whole system needs to get engorged, but it doesn’t benefit from the hemodynamics I mentioned earlier. If you think about the penis as a banana, half of the penis sticks out, and half goes down toward the testicles.

In the female body, about five percent of the erectile tissue is sticking out. That’s the clitoral tip and the bit of the shaft. The rest, 95% of it, is the draping beautiful erectile tissue throughout the vulva. You can’t see it, but it’s under there, and it needs to be stimulated. As we age, those spongy tissues atrophy. They lose their tumescence and blood flow.

Your nitric oxide production starts to wane, and you can’t get the blood flow to your genitals to fill up that tissue. The vagina is not self-lubricating. It’s not a gland. Instead, it’s mucosal tissue inside your mouth.

As a woman, the way you both ejaculate and lubricate is because blood is recruited to your pelvic bowl. The blood plasma goes through all the layers of the vaginal tissue and wets the internal vagina. The blood plasma also sends all that prostatic fluid down into the urethral sponge, the second erectile system, and these little skene’s glands absorb it.

As you have an orgasmic contraction, the ejaculate comes out of the urethra. The same way a man ejaculates and urinates from his penis, a woman ejaculates and urinates from her urethra. All these take blood flow for the ejaculate and erectile function to happen. When you’re missing your blood flow as you age, your nitric oxide diminishes as fast as your hormones decline. So people often think it’s their hormones when it’s their nitric oxide production.

I’ve got videos on nitric oxide production, and I make a supplement called FLOW. FLOW uses citrulline, which works better than arginine. These are amino acids for producing and supplementing your nitric oxide production.

Take a couple of capsules of FLOW, especially at night. You’re refilling your nitric oxide stores because you have a nitric oxide pumping system in your body. It sends nitric oxide where your body needs the blood flow. To your brain, when you’re working. To your heart and glutes when you’re exercising and to your genital system when you’re making love.

Many men who take Viagra to get an erection can lower or even stop taking it when they top up their nitric oxide stores. For women and men having sensation loss, getting increased blood flow into the system is the ground zero of the bio-hack stack.

If you don’t start with your nitric oxide production, everything else you do won’t work as well. You won’t get the synergy that you’re looking for from your regenerative sexual treatments.

You can find FLOW at That’s a unique link that’ll get you a special price for watching this video. I love that we make it out of organic fruits and vegetables. It’s not made in a vat in china. Instead, it’s made in the USA from quality ingredients.

Now that you understand that hormones are a small part and that blood flow is so important, I want to talk about things you can do to stimulate new tissue growth and enhance the blood flow to your genitals, so you feel more pleasure and have better orgasms.

The first one is GAINSWave, a doctor-administered series of treatments that use sound healing or shockwave technology that sends stimulation into the penile tissue to stimulate new tissue growth. It’s a regenerative treatment that works incredibly well if you live in an area where there are no GAINSWave doctors or if you have the Phoenix Pro that you want to DIY at home.

You can now get the Phoenix Pro. It’s a lighter version because the machine’s similar to GAINSWave. Femi Wave machines in the doctor’s offices are costly and have more oomph, but you slowly have the same treatment at home and do it yourself.

That’s the best thing you can do to regenerate your tissue and get more blood flow going. PRP is the second thing I would add to that stack, especially if you have sensation loss. PRP is platelet-rich plasma, which is from your blood. They put a bit of your blood into centrifuges and take off the white and red blood cells. They take this fibrin-rich matrix, this golden broth of healing and growth factors, and inject it.

Your clitoral or penile area is numbed, and it’s injected into the erectile tissue of your penis. That spongy tissue sucks up those growth and healing factors and recruits cytokines to recruit stem cells to repair the tissue. When you do the tissue stimulation with GAINSWave for Her (formerly called FemiWave), or Phoenix Pro Him or Her combined with PRP to restore the stimulation you’ve created, you have the perfect combination of regenerative sexual treatments.

This is a three-legged stool.

You start with FLOW at the bottom and get your blood flow going if you want to stack. Then, you choose to do it yourself or have it done for you, GAINSWave and PRP if you can afford it.

The bottom line is even if you can’t afford those things, you can afford a vacuum erection device, aka penis or vulva pumps. They work using a vacuum to suck blood from your body into your genital system to expand the blood-carrying capacity. The more blood you have, the more tissue gets plumped up, the more erect your genitals are, the more surface area there is for pleasure, the more signals go to your brain for fun, the better your whole system operates.

This is a penis pump. It comes with a hand gauge for measuring the vacuum amount because it’s essential to watch how much vacuum you’re using. Don’t over-pump. It’s like making a stew. You never want to boil it. You always want to keep it on low heat. This allows your blood to be pulled into your penis.

I’m going to switch this out. You can also do it to your vulva. Here’s the vulva pump. You put this over your vulva and pull the blood into it to engorge the erectile tissue.

There’s a splitter, but I won’t take the time to put it on there. These also work on your nipples which is excellent for inverted nipples. You can put this on your clitoris and engorge your clitoral structure. If you do it frequently, it reverses the atrophy for the masculine and even the feminine.

It’s for penis and clitoral enlargement, and it works. I have an e-book that explains it at pumping guide dot com. Over 30 000 people have downloaded that book. I have helped thousands of people successfully reverse their erectile dysfunction and enlarge their penile volume using the Whopper.

I can’t tell you enough about how good it is. For a couple of hundred dollars, you can restore function to your genitals from aging and atrophy. The last things I want to talk about are vibrators and prostate massagers. I like internal vibrators, and I’ve got quite a large one. This is a Fun Factory product.

I also like the LadyBi, and the MissBi, which are smaller depending on the size of your vagina because women have a range of vaginal sizes, just like our male-bodied partners have a range of penis sizes.

What’s good is this flat pad goes up against the external clitoral tissue, which helps the urethral and entire vaginal area to stimulate through. The vibration stimulates the blood flow, which helps keep atrophy at bay.

So you’ve got the reversal strategies and the strategy that keeps the blood flow coming in. So solo pleasuring, incorporating these into love-making, whether it’s a prostate tool or a female vibrator, depending on your equipment, is an integral part of having ageless sexuality.

I want to provide you with,, I also have one called that talks all about my journey on testing vaginal rejuvenation technologies that I think you’ll like. I have so much information for you that I can give. Still, I think this was an excellent high-level overview of what is possible to have a fantastic genital vibrancy and sexual vitality for your whole life.

I’m Susan Bratton, intimacy expert to millions, and you can find me at and I’ll see you on the other side.

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