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Soulmate Embrace: How To Hold A Woman By Susan Bratton

This is how I’ve dreamed of being held by a man says every woman ever. You’re about to discover a powerful technique that melts lovers together. Download the free report here: Hi, I’m Susan Bratton. This touch technique transports you both to a warm loving place even if you feel disconnected. The Soulmate Embrace […]

Susan Bratton: Three Things I Love About You

This is a Romantic Couple Game, but it works perfectly in any grouping. FREE Gift(s): Soulmate Embrace 5 New Free Steamy Sex Techniques A bit of verbal appreciation goes a long way toward building the connection between lovers… and the stronger the connection, the hotter the passion. And even if you’re single, you can practice […]

What Is Consent and How To Have Consensual Sex

Print this out and put a little slip of paper in your wallet: “I’m a believer in consensual sex.” Three Core Sexual Skills ⇐ Click Here You’ve probably heard about “consent.” It’s about asking other people how they want to be touched by you. And with your permission, I’d like to tell you how we […]

How To Improve Trust In The Bedroom

A big issue women face is trusting their partner to respond to their needs at the moment and not shaming her desires. Because women have already been socially programmed to feel like they can’t let go and surrender to their bodies’ true desires. Read more to learn how to improve trust in the bedroom… FREE […]