Pussy Pump, Clitoris Pump And Inverted Nipple Vacuum Device

Hi, I’m Susan Bratton, a trusted hot sex advisor to millions, and I wanted to let you ladies know that guys aren’t the only ones that can use vacuum erection devices. I didn’t know if you were aware of this, but there are (vagina) vulva, nipple, and clitoral pumps too.

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There’s something called a vulva and clitoral pump. You can place a vacuum erection device against your vulva, plug it into the pump, and slowly pump up. Keep it at -2 to -4. The pump will draw blood into your labia majora, labia minora, fourchette, the hood of your clitoris, the clitoral tip, which is the glands, and the clitoral shaft. It’ll give you a clitoral erection and increase the sensitivity. It also makes intercourse pleasurable because your labia gets engorged. The pressure against your labia intercourse feels excellent.

An increased blood flow results in more sensation and nerve regrowth. Many women have hurt themselves on bicycles, horseback, and other impact situations. These have compressed the erectile tissue in their vulva. A combination of PRP, platelet-rich plasma, the Orgasm shot, and pumping can work wonders.

You can also remediate the loss of erectile tissue. Pumping increases tissue growth and facilitates new nerve growth and increased sensation. I only recommend this pump system. You can coax out an inverted nipple with this nipple pump. YOu can also use it on the clitoral tissue. It goes around the hood, glans, and shaft of your clitoris. This pump comes in various sizes, too.

You could use this pump if you have small nipples or a small clitoris. You can combine the vulva pump and this nipple or clitoral pump and engorge your tissue because, as women, we have as much erectile tissue inside us as men do externally. We have innies; they have outies. 


Blood flow is super-important for both genders. I always say to women that if their husband or partner has erectile dysfunction, you do too because you eat the same foods. You have the same type of lifestyle unless you’re working more than he is and getting more circulatory events. You aren’t having the level of orgasmic potential and sensation that you can have. Pumping is one way to improve it.

Take nitric oxide precursors and eat foods like watermelons, cabbages, dill, arugula. Use the pump and PRP and get the shots in your clitoral tissue with your blood’s healing factors. You can do many things to reverse physical issues such as sensation and orgasmic loss. It’s not all in your head. It’s a big part of your body, and women need full engorgement and blood flow to their genitals to have the orgasmic potential that is our birthright.

There you go, nipple pumps, vulva pumps, and clitoral pumps. I’m Susan Bratton, trusted hot sex adviser to millions, and I hope I’ve illuminated opportunities for your sexual pleasure. I’ll see you on the other side.

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Comment (2)

  1. Hi Susan can u send me the website that sells the vulva pump u were talking about in the video.. also what the average price of the O shot and how can I find a reputable place to get one. I’m a NY long islander living in the Suffolk area .. love yur videos .. u give me courage to take care of myself and u motivate me to try new things …I’m 55 and dating a 42 year old and feel that pressure of being the best thst I can be sexually and yur videos teuly are informative and enlightening.. thank u For doing such great work‍♀️

    1. Hi Micky,
      The Vulva Pump is here: https://trustyclick.com/ladypump
      Here is the O Shot directory: https://oshot.info/members/directory/
      Glad you are taking care of yourself.

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