I Had 6 Orgasm Shots to My Clitoris!

I had six orgasm shots to my clitoris. Yes, I did! Why would I do that, and what are orgasm shots?

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I’ve dressed up as a naughty nurse to tell you about O-shots or orgasm shots and why I had six. I’ll have more because it gives me incredible orgasmic pleasure, and it fixed a couple of my genitals problems. Dr. Charles Runels developed orgasm shots, and it uses a substance called PRP, platelet-rich plasma. I have a video series of interviews with Dr. Runels about how it works.


In a nutshell, they take a bit of your blood and put it in a centrifuge, spin it around, and pull off the white and red blood cells. They’re left with a fibrin-rich matrix which they inject into your clitoral tissue. It reverses aging atrophy and reconstitutes the tissue. It generates new tissue and gives you back your orgasmic sensation.

Interestingly, many women use it for orgasmic response sensation loss, incontinence, damaged vulvar tissue scars, and lichen sclerosis. There are many reasons why women want to use PRP to regenerate the tissue in their vulva.

I had a little tear in my vaginal opening, called your introital sphincter, and I had burgeoning incontinence. I was beginning to feel like I had to go to the bathroom, and I had to go right away. As your bladder drops, you lose your pelvic sling of tissue and musculature as you age.

Mostly, I felt I lost my orgasmic pleasure but didn’t realize how much I had lost. When I was 55, I got my first O-shot from Dr. Robin Benson and Dr. Cheryl Schaaf, two doctors who helped me with orgasm shots.

After I did, a girlfriend also got an O-shot, and she said, “I was driving my husband crazy. I wanted sex all the time. He bought me a vibrator to leave him alone, and I thought I wish I had that response. I didn’t.”

When I had my second O-shot, I realized I was so dehydrated and atrophied that it took two regenerative sexual treatments of orgasm shots to feel the difference. It was like pouring water down a well. It took a while for the PRP to fill up my genital tissue and get back the loss of sensation.

By the time I had the third and fourth O-shot, I thought, “My God, I’m having orgasms like I’m 30.” It used to feel like this, and I didn’t realize how much sensation I had lost. You lose it so slowly over time that you barely miss it until you have this experience of having an O-shot or two, three, or four.

All of a sudden, it’s like, “I didn’t realize how much I’d lost. Now I have the benefit of being 60 years old and the orgasmic experience, skills, abilities, and knowledge of a more mature woman.” I know how to come well with the reconstituted tissue I got from the PRP injections into my clitoral tissue.

It’s perfect for reversing aging atrophy but not vaginal mucosal rejuvenation. It helps with incontinence and musculature. The vaginal mucosal tissue gets thin when you lose nitric oxide and estrogen. It can be painful to have sex. That’s why there’s a stack of biohacking sexual regenerative technology that works well together. 

Number one: You need to top up your nitric oxide stores with a supplement because your hormones and your nitric oxide start to decline in your 40s.

By the time you’re 50, you have half the nitric oxide production you did when you were 25. The important thing is that nitric oxide is the gaseous signaling molecule that shunts the blood to various parts of your body when you need it.

To your brain when you’re thinking, tummy when you’re digesting, and genitals when you’re making love. If you can’t get the blood flow there, you won’t get the engorgement, pleasure, and plumping.

You won’t get the blood plasma to send the lubrication through your vaginal mucosa to wet your vagina. So FLOW is a product I invented, and it’s from organic fruits and vegetables. I love this. You take two at night because that’s when your body restores your nitric oxide stores.

Sleep with your mouth closed because your sinuses produce more nitric oxide when you’re asleep, and you get better sleep. Then you can take two about half an hour to twenty minutes before lovemaking, so you get a lot of blood flow to your genital tissue. That’s important because you have as much erectile tissue in your vulva as your male-bodied partner does in his penis.

Half of his erectile tissue sticks out of his body, and half is inside. Women have a banana’s worth of erectile tissue in their vulva too.

If you can’t get blood flow, all you can see is the little nub, the clitoral tip that isn’t erectile tissue. You’re not getting all the pleasure. The gland isn’t erectile tissue. Instead, it’s nerve endings.

You’re having sex without an erection. You need an erection, so you need good blood flow.

Your male-bodied partner has a penis with all these chambers. This is his banana. You know what your vulva looks like, and I hope you’re looking at your vulva a lot so you can notice how she changes over time. This way, you can fall in love with her like I’ve fallen in love with mine.

When you take away the skin layer, underneath is erectile tissue. Your clitoral tip, shaft, arms, legs, and urethral sponge are mistakenly called the g-spot. It is a big long tube of erectile tissue and the perineal sponge.

You have three erectile tissue systems that wrap around your vagina. If they are flaccid, sex doesn’t feel good. The tissue atrophies over time, and you lose nitric oxide production. Your estrogen diminishes, and your tissue gets thin.

You lose blood flow, have flaccid, disappointing sex, and poor performing orgasmic response. However, you can reverse that by having orgasm shots, taking FLOW. If you have vaginal mucosal pain or painful intercourse, you can get treatments like the GAINSWave for Her (formerly called FemiWave) and FemiLift. You can get the Vieve.

The GAINSWave for Her  is good at reconstituting the vulva tissue. It is a CO2 laser. The Vieve is an RF device, which is more damaging.

I finally have a product that women can use at home that I can get behind. It’s from a woman-owned business, and it’s called the VFit. There’s a link at the bottom of this video with a special offer for my VFit ladies.

I’ve helped hundreds of women get this product because it uses warmth and red light photobiomodulation to stimulate new tissue growth in your vaginal canal. It has heat which re-collagenases the tissue and vibration, which helps with kegel toning. So you don’t get incontinence and keep the grip and the musculature strong in your vagina. You need the vaginal grip for an orgasmic response.

Your orgasms are a contraction of your muscles, and that’s what creates orgasmic pleasure along with engorgement.

So the VFit is suitable for at-home do-it-yourself vaginal restoration. If you want more than the O-shot, add the GAINSWave for Her, which sends sound healing into the tissue to plump it up and generate new tissue. They work great together.

An O-shot and a GAINSWave for Her are incredible together. You can also add estrogen replacement to your vagina – biased estriol and estradiol. Or you can use plant-based estrogen cream or a DHEA cream.

You can also supplement with testosterone, which people call scream-cream because it makes you scream in ecstasy. Would you please put it over your clitoral area? Testosterone is the hormone of lust, libido, and desire. An O-shot coupled with testosterone topically on your clitoris with a GAINSWave for Her is unbelievable.

You won’t believe how well you come and how good your orgasms feel. You can also add a vulva and a clitoral pump to bring blood to your genitals.

This is a clitoral pump, which you can also use on inverted nipples. This is the vaginal or vulva pump, and you can switch them back and forth. This will also bring blood into your vulva because it’s all about blood flow. It’s so important to have good blood flow. Last but not least is getting an excellent external, internal vibrator.

I like the Fun Factory brand – LadyBi and MissBi. This is their Pulsator, and this one has a magnet. It thrusts inside your vagina while vibrating the external clitoral structure, and this keeps your vagina in excellent shape. You can use this hands-free, which is fantastic as well.

Using a sex toy not just for solo pleasure but for your health is essential. The VFit is vaginal restoration, but it won’t give you orgasms the sex tools will. This will provide you with orgasmic pleasure and help your vaginal mucosa, the skin of your vagina, and increase your orgasmic response.

You’ve got a lot of things to work with here. They have a newly formulated line of excellent products: the photonic gel that goes with the VFit, cleansing and revitalizing products, and a SheBar for vaginal care.

If your yoni or sex hurts, if you feel dry, if you’re not having the orgasms you used to have, there are many things you can do.

My vagina at 60 years old has never been more lush, plush, pleasurable, responsive, and orgasmic. You have all these available to you.

Some cost hardly anything. Taking FLOW is like a boom! A major up on your sex life. Some are more expensive, and I understand that, but you’ve got choices.

You’ve got options and the rest of your life to have great sex. I’ve got my vaginal restoration book which you can download at vaginalrestorationbook.com that talks about the different treatments I’ve been talking about and all the things I’ve had done.

I even have videos in which I take you into the treatment rooms. I answer all your questions about hormone replacement, both bioidentical, exogenous, and endogenous hormone replacements.

The last thing I will leave you with is to go to vaginalrestorationbook.com. Check out the links below this video and comment if you have questions.

I’m a sexpert. I will answer your questions and am happy to help you. Thank you so much for caring enough about your vulva to take good care of it and have incredible orgasms. I’m Susan Bratton, intimacy expert to millions and naughty nurse of the day. I’ll see you on the other side.

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