How To Discuss Your Sexual Boundaries and AVOID Sexually Transmitted Infections

Beyond the safe sex talk: Communicating your emotional and physical sexual boundaries.

Learn how to discuss safe sex with your partner, click here.

I have a lot of advice on my website on how to talk about your sexual history and boundaries with a possible sex partner. Especially for women, our boundaries change every time we make love with someone.

So, “We’re going to go out afterward and I don’t want you to mess up my hair and my makeup because we’re going to go to dinner,” or “You can trash me because we’re going to go for it.”

There are several things that you can communicate with a potential partner. Understand your sexual boundaries and safe sex plan. For example, you may have a safe sex plan where you don’t have intercourse or oral. No fluid exchange beyond kissing with a partner until you’re exclusive. So, no lips and mouth here. Just here.

That’s a safe way to have a lot of sex partners if you’re dating around before you decide to go exclusively with someone and then have intercourse. Even with a condom, you can get a lot of stuff. That only covers a little part of things.

I love what you just said and that’s such an important part. It’s not just a conversation about, “Do you have herpes?” or “Who was your last partner?” It’s a higher conversation around what pleases you, what makes you feel safe, what you don’t want to do. When you open that entire conversation, that’s incredibly hot and very intimate.


I’m Susan Bratton, trusted hot sex adviser to millions and you just watched one of a series of videos I did with John Gray famous author of Men Are From Mars And Women Are From Venus. This one video can only give you a quick hit of inspiration, so I’ve attached some additional free information on this topic for you.

If you have a comment, share it. I’m like the Dear Abby of sex and I answer questions right here. I’m glad you found me. I can’t wait to send you some freebies. Here’s that link, and I’ll see you on the other side.

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