Dirty Talk40 Videos

Right Sized Offers and Role Play

In this video, I discuss a controversial dirty talk strategy and roleplay in the bedroom. One of the best things to do to keep your sex life spicy is to try new and exciting things in the bedroom. This is especially helpful if you’re in a long-term monogamous relationship. Now, trying new things doesn’t always […]

Sharing My Favorite Frames

This piece is called ‘Sharing my Favorite Frames.’ I learned this from my mentor Dr. Patti Taylor, and it is a beautiful strategy because it’s dirty talk that you can indulge in post facto. Instead of doing dirty talk during or even before lovemaking, ease yourself in by doing it after lovemaking and share your […]

Dirty Talk: Men Vs. Women

The feminine is the fire and the masculine is a light switch. That’s the essence of masculine feminine dynamics. The masculine is testosterone-dominant, ready to go, and that is why sometimes guys hold back because they’re afraid that it’ll be too much. That’s wise because a woman often needs to be romanced first. Only then […]

How To Talk Dirty, Pillow Talk and Sexy Talk

Although people call it dirty talk, it’s not an accurate name because it’s not dirty. When we make love with a partner, they respond to a particular stimulus at the moment. People are either visual, auditory, or kinesthetic in bed. Read on to learn how to talk dirty. FREE Gift: Dirty Talk eBook How To […]

How To Talk Dirty To A Guy

Dirty talk doesn’t have to be dirty or confronting. It can be yoni or lingam worship. A shortcut or a hack to great sex is a genital massage, both for her and him. Here is an example of how to talk dirty to a guy in this video. FREE Gift: Talk Dirty To Me [Susan] […]

The Best Sex Swing Sex Positions

I’m Susan Bratton, trusted hot sex adviser to millions, and I am with Amy Baldwin, sex educator and co-creator of the Shameless Sex Podcast (www.shamelesssex.com/) and April Lampert, VP of Hot Octopus and co-host of the Shameless Sex Podcast, and on this episode, we’re going to teach you how to have fun and spice up […]

Jim Benson And Susan Bratton Video Bloopers

Hot Cutie and Horny Stud, see Monkey Boy in action, witness my ridiculous Godfather imitation and get a giggle today. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL: http://goo.gl/6r954G​ OTHER PLACES TO FIND US: △ FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/Personal-Lif…​ △ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/personallife​ △ BLOG: http://personallifemedia.com/​ Or Email us at support@personallifemedia.com

A Dirty Talk Secret Trick

I'm Susan Bratton and you're reading my series on dirty talk including recognizing your dirty talk styles, dirty talk fantasies, how to talk dirty without feeling weird, the five essentials to dirty talk, and a dirty talk secret trick.