Erotic Massage23 Videos

Jade Egg Show & Tell (Yoni Egg Practice)

The Yoni Egg practice has a tangible, body-based pay off like nothing else a woman can do to fully embody her sexuality and feminine empowerment. Susan’s Recommended Pure Nephrite Jade Egg and Instructions: MY YONI EGG PRACTICE An exquisite self-love practice that helps a woman get very intimate with her “sacred place.” This video […]

Watch How Tim And Susan Do The Expanded Orgasm

Gabby and Raj Sundra welcome Tim and Susan on their show and learn how they met and their philosophy as a couple. Also, watch Tim and Susan demonstrate the Expanded Orgasm technique. FREE Gift: TIM AND SUSAN DO THE EXPANDED ORGASM TECHNIQUE [Raj] We are so honored to be with Susan and Tim. Welcome tonight, […]

How To Touch Her Genitals To Give Her Orgasms

Hello! I’m Susan Bratton, Trusted Hot Sex Advisor to millions of lovers worldwide who want more and better sex. In this trilogy, I’m sharing with you the 3 ways to make her have more and better orgasms… even from intercourse.. If you missed videos #1 and #2, please watch them as this is a three-part […]

Vagina Massage

You might be surprised at how easily a woman’s pelvic floor can get balled up like a fist. Those muscles are directly connected to our “fight or flight” response. They often get activated without us even knowing it. Anytime we’re tight we struggle to have orgasmic pleasure. Orgasms flow out of us if we are […]

How To Get An Erection Again

I’m Susan Bratton and I’m a trusted hot sex adviser to millions. I get the lucky task of being a Dear Abby of sex. I love to help people learn how to have passionate lovemaking. I teach people bedroom communication skills, and the third leg of that stool is all-important in that sexual health because […]

DIY Vagina Massage

Maximize the effectiveness of the vaginal and labia tightening procedures you’ve had, read my article called Watch How Tim And Susan Do The Expanded Orgasm: Hi, I’m Susan Bratton, your trusted Hot Sex adviser, and in this video, I’m going to give you an update on my vaginal rejuvenation procedures and instructions for using […]

Lingam Massage

There is something exquisite about manually stimulating a man (aka giving a “hand job”). I suppose it’s the feeling of pleasure that comes with hearing him moan and watching him turn into putty in your hands. Rock hard putty, that is.

How To Get Hard Again

I’m Susan Bratton with Dr. Charles Runels, and we’re talking about the P Shot or Priapus shot. It’s a protocol that he invented that has done wonders for many men and it has been restoring erectile function. Dr. Runels thank you so much for letting me come and talk to you. I’m truly honored to […]

How To Have Sex Without An Erection

I’m Susan Bratton and I’m a trusted hot sex adviser to millions. I get the lucky task of being kind of a Dear Abby of sex. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction feel like they have to pull themselves out of the game. Like that’s the only thing that there is. They don’t bring a hard […]