5 Ways To Make Your Penis Bigger

The recommended 30-minute pumping session:

– Prepare your penis with a warm, wet washcloth or hand towel.
– Lubricate your entire penis and the base of the cylinder with water-based lubricant.
– Place it at the base of your penis and get a good seal.
– Pump for 10 minutes with The Whopper 3-inch cylinder flaccid (not hard).
– Follow the vacuum pressure numbers for the designated week. (-2 to -4 for the first 3 weeks)
– Release the pressure and remove the 3-inch cylinder.
– Enjoy 3 minutes of deep tissue, pleasurable penis massage to gain an erection.
– Pump for another 10 minutes with the 2-inch cylinder with a hard on at the recommended vacuum pressure.
– Release the pressure of the 2-inch cylinder.
– Wash up and you’re done.

Do this every other day for 90 days to see gains. If you want it to be permanent, continue a maintenance program of once or twice a week.

I’m Susan Bratton, trusted hot sex adviser to millions, and in this video I cover the three most common ways to make your penis bigger. I recommend two better ways that nobody talks about but which I’ve personally used to make my partner’s penis bigger in both length and girth.

I list top my top 5 ways of penis enlargement, their pros and cons and whether they work or not. I also briefly discuss the anatomy of the penis along with links to my videos and many of my programs which have been tried, tested and proven.

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