Why Move To Regenerative Therapies

Dr. Jeffrey Gross, formerly a brain and spine surgeon, transitioned to regenerative therapies in response to patient demand and a desire to fill a treatment gap. He recognized that many patients were not ready for surgery but needed options beyond conventional treatments like medications and injections. Prompted by repeated patient inquiries about stem cells, Dr. Gross decided to retrain and re-educate himself in regenerative medicine. He now primarily offers these therapies, finding them to be a more effective and less invasive alternative to surgery, benefiting both patients and practitioners.

Full transcript:

Susan: [00:00:00] I have another question for you. Great. I’m Susan Bratton, Intimacy Expert to Millions. This is my doctor, Dr. Jeffrey Gross of ReCelebrate. What made you move from being a brain surgeon and spine surgeon into regenerative therapies?

Dr. Jeffrey Gross: Well, I thank my, a lot of patients for helping me make that switch I was looking for something to fill the gap to help more people avoid surgery.

And that gap is between sort of therapies and medicines and maybe some spine injections. And a lot of those people still have trouble and those things weren’t good enough But they’re not ready for surgery and I didn’t want to offer them surgery. So, they would say, Hey, Hey doc, how about stem cells?

And you hear that enough time and you finally say, yeah, you know what? I think I need to add that tool. So I went back and I retooled and I retrained and I, re-educated, and now I offer that, and it’s mostly what I do now, and I love it.

Susan: Yeah, it makes a big difference when you just fix it instead of have to surgery [00:01:00] it.

Dr. Jeffrey Gross: It’s a lot easier for all of us.

Susan: Yeah, exactly. It is a lot easier for you too, I think.

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