The O Shot Explained Step-by-Step

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In this short video, Susan Bratton and Dr. Robyn Benson discuss exactly what happens when you go into your doctor’s office for an O-shot. Regenerating your vulva is a lot easier than you might think!

Get answers to these questions and more:

What are platelets and where do they come from? (:47)
What Platelet Rich Plasma is and where it comes from. (1:05)
What do they inject into me? (1:25)
Where do they do the injections? (1:50-3:30)
Will it hurt during the procedure or afterward? (2:11)
When will I see an effect? (3:44)
How long will the effects last? (4:01)
Do I need to get an O-shot on a regular basis? (5:22)
Exactly how does it affect urination? (2:30)
Will it help with scar tissue from childbirth? (4:24)
Can it help with lichen sclerosus (4:48)
Will this tone my vaginal muscles? (6:58)

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