How The P Shot® Protocol Reverses Erectile Dysfunction

I’m Susan Bratton with Dr. Charles Runels, the inventor of both the O Shot or Orgasm Shot and the P Shot Protocol or Priapus Shot. We’re going to talk about what they are.

[Dr. Runels] I ran a wound-care center at a hospital. We treated people with hard-to-heal-tissue on the legs, diabetic wounds that wouldn’t heal, and people facing amputation. One of my interests was looking at how tissue heals and what occurs on the cellular level to help tissue heal. No one thought of applying these tools to the genitalia. The idea was could we use platelet-rich plasma, which has been known to heal wounds for the past 15 years.

For 15 years, doctors have been using platelet-rich plasma to heal hard-to-heal damaged tissues from orthopedic surgeries. The cartilage in your knee doesn’t have much blood flow, so it helps heal that tissue.

I thought about using PRP in genitalia. Almost nine years ago, my first patient was me. That was terrifying. I imagined if something went wrong, we would be trying to explain that in an emergency room somewhere. You realize that yellow goo around the scab when you scrape your knee as a child is regrowing skin. It brings in stem cells from your bone marrow, which matures to grow new fabric, the fibroblast, and bring in new blood flow and nerves. Then lo and behold, you have a new piece of skin where there used to be a big scrape.

I thought about what would happen if you put that in the penis, which also has blood, nerves, and collagen. Now, after working on that procedure for a few months, we discussed the clitoris. As we’ve discussed, the clitoris is a miniature penis with blood flow, nerves, and collagen. So we started a procedure where we injected PRP into it as well. It’s straightforward, most of the time, a very pain-free procedure.


The O Shot and P Shot involve getting in the rich golden broth of healing factors from your blood re-injected into your clitoral or your penile tissue to regenerate new tissue, vascularization veins, nerves, and a new fibrin matrix that holds the growth factors in place. We’ve known for 15 years that the PRP helps with scarring, but it turns out it also helps with Peyronie’s disease.

A physician out of Paris published a study about a year ago showing that PRP helps that scarring better than the next best thing, a $50,000 procedure called Syphax, which uses collagen to dissolve the scar. PRP works better with fewer side-effects. We know that it treats acne scars, but it also treats scarring from delivering big babies too.

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Comment (1)

  1. Thank you so much babe. Your awesome and I believe I can benefit from this. I’ve had 5 back sergeris and I have no hard penis now. I hope this can help. Again thank you and God bless. Peace out

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