Hormone Replacement Tips With Dr. Glenn Wilcox

Dr. Glenn Wilcox, Wise Medicine drglennwilcox.com
(505)771-4998 Telemedicine Appointments Available

Here is my video series on penis pumps: https://betterlovernew.wpengine.com/playlist/penis-enlargement/

In this short video, I talk with Dr. Glenn Wilcox about bio-identical hormone therapy. Find out what bioidentical hormones are and why they are superior to the hormones you pick up at the pharmacy.

You’ll learn:

The difference between a “bio-identical” hormone and the traditional hormones your doctor prescribes (:32)
The truth about pharmaceutical hormones (1:02)
Why prescription hormones are known as “alien hormones” (1:04)
Various bio-identical hormones and what they do in your body (1:10)
How bio-identical hormones are made (1:51)
Who to see for a prescription for bioidentical hormones (2:01)
Where to get bioidentical hormones (2:10)

Sex hormones improve more than just your sex life!

3 Free Sexual Health Gifts From Susan Bratton

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