Do Penis Pumps Work To Make Your Penis Bigger?

The recommended 30-minute pumping session:

– Prepare your penis with a warm, wet washcloth or hand towel.
– Lubricate your entire penis and the base of the cylinder with water-based lubricant.
– Place it at the base of your penis and get a good seal.
– Pump for 10 minutes with The Whopper 3-inch cylinder flaccid (not hard).
– Follow the vacuum pressure numbers for the designated week. (-2 to -4 for the first 3 weeks)
– Release the pressure and remove the 3-inch cylinder.
– Enjoy 3 minutes of deep tissue, pleasurable penis massage to gain an erection.
– Pump for another 10 minutes with the 2-inch cylinder with a hard on at the recommended vacuum pressure.
– Release the pressure of the 2-inch cylinder.
– Wash up and you’re done.

Do this every other day for 90 days to see gains. If you want it to be permanent, continue a maintenance program of once or twice a week.

Dr. Glenn Wilcox, Wise Medicine
(505)771-4998 Telemedicine Appointments Available

Do penis pumps work to make your penis bigger?

I’m Susan Bratton with my friend Dr. Glen Wilcox of Wise Medicine in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and we’re going to answer that question today.

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Comment (5)

  1. I have a pump and I do use it but I didn’t know that you put all your junk in it instead of only penis shaft twice a day I do it any advice is great .

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