Vaginal Rejuvenation33 Videos

Cliovana for Clitoral Sensation and Rejuvenation

I’m Susan Bratton, intimacy wellness expert to millions, and I’m with my friend Cheryl Schaaf. She’s a board-certified family nurse practitioner specializing in women’s sexual health and regenerative medicine, specifically for the vulva. In this series, we talk about specific technologies like the FemiLift, Cleovanna, and Revive. Cheryl uses these three technologies in Scottsdale, Arizona, […]

Femi-Lift for Vaginal Lubrication and Anti-Aging

I’m Susan Bratton, intimacy wellness expert to millions. I’m with Cheryl Schaaf, a board-certified registered family nurse practitioner. She is also an aesthetic nurse practitioner, which means she spends a lot of time helping women with treatments that reverse the atrophy of aging, vaginal incontinence, dryness, lubrication issues, and other issues that we face as […]

FemiLift Vaginal Laser

Maximize the effectiveness of the vaginal and labia tightening procedures you’ve had, read my article called “Vaginal Rejuvenation: Pre- and Post-Procedure Tips” In this video, you will follow Susan into the Nuvel clinic where she is about to get her third of four FemiLift treatments spaced out over a period of four months. The FemiLift […]

How To Expand Your Orgasmic Pleasure Map

Maximize the effectiveness of your vaginal and labia tightening procedures for more orgasmic pleasure. Read Vaginal Rejuvenation: Pre- and Post-Procedure Tips. ORGASMIC PLEASURE Hello! I’m Susan Bratton, and I want to talk about the O Shot procedure I had two weeks ago, in addition to the vaginal rejuvenation with Femilift and the Revive by Viora, […]

I Had 6 Orgasm Shots to My Clitoris!

I had six orgasm shots to my clitoris. Yes, I did! Why would I do that, and what are orgasm shots? Buy Flow: FREE Gifts: Vaginal Rejuvenation Book I’ve dressed up as a naughty nurse to tell you about O-shots or orgasm shots and why I had six. I’ll have more because it gives […]

My Vaginal Rejuvenation Outcome

Maximize the effectiveness of the vaginal and labia tightening procedures you’ve had, read my article called “Vaginal Rejuvenation: Pre- and Post-Procedure Tips” While on her way to appear on Good Morning Arizona, Susan recorded this update on her second round of vaginal rejuvenation procedures: Revive by Viora and Femi-Lift by Alma. In her tell-all video […]