Vaginal Rejuvenation33 Videos

I Had 6 Orgasm Shots to My Clitoris!

I had six orgasm shots to my clitoris. Yes, I did! Why would I do that, and what are orgasm shots? Buy Flow: FREE Gifts: Vaginal Rejuvenation Book I’ve dressed up as a naughty nurse to tell you about O-shots or orgasm shots and why I had six. I’ll have more because it gives […]

Vaginal Rejuvenation Story

Maximize the effectiveness of the vaginal and labia tightening procedures you’ve had, read my article called “Vaginal Rejuvenation: Pre- and Post-Procedure Tips” They’re bouncing off you like silver bullets on Wonder Woman. You may be missing attraction signals. Funny story… Right at the beginning of this 4-minute TV clip. the show host Terri Oudette, makes […]

Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure Review

Maximize the effectiveness of the vaginal and labia tightening procedures you’ve had, read my article called “Vaginal Rejuvenation: Pre- and Post-Procedure Tips” In this video, Susan gives her final testimony of her vaginal rejuvenation journey after her fourth and final Femi-Lift by Alma, and Revive by Viora. According to Susan, these two medical procedures are […]

My Vaginal Rejuvenation Outcome

Maximize the effectiveness of the vaginal and labia tightening procedures you’ve had, read my article called “Vaginal Rejuvenation: Pre- and Post-Procedure Tips” While on her way to appear on Good Morning Arizona, Susan recorded this update on her second round of vaginal rejuvenation procedures: Revive by Viora and Femi-Lift by Alma. In her tell-all video […]

The Orgasm Shot aka O Shot

We’re talking about sexual regenerative therapies. Dr. Benson does a fantastic job with people across the gender spectrum, helping reverse the clock on your sexual functions so that you turn this function into ‘function.’ On this episode, we talk about restoring sexual function, reversing laxity, incontinence, genital pain, and a lack of sensation and the […]

O-Shot Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure Explained

Want more feeling in your clit? Find out if the O-shot is for you! Susan Bratton talks with Dr. Robyn Benson about sexual rejuvenation for women. Age-reversal for your vulva! In this video you’ll learn: What is an O-shot? (:50) Why you might want to have an O-shot. (1:14) Four ways the O-shot can improve […]

VFit At Home Vaginal Restoration Device

See how VFit works to reverse incontinence, plump up vaginal tissues, improve lubrication and even fix vaginal odor with this FDA approved at home vaginal restoration medical device. <= Gift With Purchase Watch these innovative solutions to issues including: Husband’s low libido I’m never in the mood. Sex is boring Body-confidence issues Moody! My […]

Restoring Vaginal Wetness

I’m Susan Bratton, an intimacy expert to millions. I want to talk to you about restoring vaginal wetness and getting more lubrication. As we age, our lubrication begins to wane. I will tell you how to reverse it and have all the moisture you need. Buy Flow: FREE Gifts: Vaginal Rejuvenation Book Even though […]

Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment Options

I’m Susan Bratton, intimacy wellness expert to millions, and I’m with Cheryl Schaff, a board-certified family nurse practitioner specializing in women’s vaginal rejuvenation treatment that makes your vulva and clitoris happy because we all atrophy with age. Cheryl Schaaf: FREE Gift: Vaginal Restoration Revealed Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment Options Many of the things that Cheryl […]