How Women Should Act

How should women act? Get your HotOctopuss toys below: Transcript: What were you taught about how a woman should act? Well, women should be friendly and polite. You shouldn’t be frigid, but you can’t be a s*ut. To be very agreeable to have manners and respect. We should wear lipstick. They shouldn’t have too many […]

Sexual Biohacking Show and Tell

I’m Susan Bratton, and it’s lovely to talk to you today. I am an intimacy expert to millions, and there are three legs of the stool of your sexuality. The first is techniques. You have to understand pleasurable practices. I’ve been writing pleasuring techniques for 20 years and can tell you it’s a never-ending possibility […]

Paleo F(x): Libido, Desire and Arousal

Read on to learn more about desire and arousal. Good morning. How are you? Thanks for showing up today. We will have quite a ride together. You’re going to ride my bike today. Let me tell you how it’s going to go. First, I will overview the fundamentals of our sexuality, things we don’t fully […]

Paleo F(x): Erotic Playdates

The most important thing is to think about your sex life as a great adventure and an opportunity to create experiences and fun together. Stop thinking about having sex and start thinking about getting erotic playdates on the calendar for Thursday night. “We’re going to get Chinese takeout. We’re going to eat that. I’ll set […]