Stem Cells To Repair ACL, MCL Tears, Joint and Soft Tissue Damage

Susan: [00:00:00] Hi, I’m Susan Bratton, intimacy expert, and now longevity expert with my new newsletter, Longevity Wins. And I’ve got a really exciting story to tell you that I’ve done with my doctor, Dr. Jeff of ReCelebrate, and he has also become my friend and really just got me going again. I tore my ACLs and MCLs skiing a couple of years ago and called Jeff because we’ve been doing some regenerative therapy and said they’re, they’re torn clean in half.

Is there anything we can do so I don’t have to have surgery? And you said

Dr. Jeff: Let’s try to avoid surgery is what I said. Yeah. And somehow amazingly it’s all worked out great and you’re back on the slopes.

Susan: Yeah, my second season back on the slopes. Right. Yeah.

Dr. Jeff: So without surgery, without the accelerated arthritis that comes with open surgery, without the downtime, the pain, the cost.

And we’ve done two different procedures. One, I think did a lot. And then we did a little booster to get a little more. And, [00:01:00] and how are you now?

Susan: Fantastic. So what Dr. Jeff did was he, we harvested my own stem cells and we keep them. cryogenically frozen basically, and then we can what’s it called when you replicate the cells?

Dr. Jeff: They divide in culture.

Susan: Divide in culture. And so I order them and they ship them to Dr. Jeff here in New York. And you took me the first time to a surgery center. I’ve gone to the surgery center twice now, haven’t I?

Dr. Jeff: Right, right.

Susan: And he put me under a mild anesthesia. Yeah,

Dr. Jeff: just twilight sedation.

And the first time we did exosomes.

Yes. And we did them in the bone. It’s the French protocol where they have the much better results, longer lasting results than in the joint where the cartilage is.

Susan: And we can I show off? You could intraosseous rather than intraarticular. Is that right? That’s right. He taught me that .

Dr. Jeff: That’s right. Good job.

So, and, and then we, we added some IV to [00:02:00] booster booster that, and then the second time around, I think we did. Just your cells. My cells. Yeah. A little in the knee. Yeah. Back a little extra in the bone based on some MRI targeting. Yeah. Precisely. Not, this isn’t just shooting from the hip. And and then IV.

Susan: And the, I, I literally walked out of the surgery center. I went back to my hotel and I rested that evening. And I got up the next day and I walked that long Las Vegas terminal and flew home. It did, it was a little stiff. The stiffness went away very quickly and we have been checking my MRIs. We’ve been getting MRIs, and I’m due for another one, I know, and the, the, but this is something Jeff taught me.

Dr. Jeff taught me that our ligaments are part of our bone. Our bone grows the ligaments. We think ligaments, tendons, bones, they’re separate things. They’re not. And so these intraosseous injections of stem cells into my [00:03:00] leg bones are growing ligaments out and hope we’re hoping that we’ll be able to grow my ligaments back together.

That’s our goal. And so we, we just chip away at all the things that go wrong with me as I age, like they go wrong with everyone and whatever those things are. We’re trying to take care of them from the inside out without any surgery. So it’s been fantastic. I’m

Dr. Jeff: glad you’re doing great.

Susan: I’m doing so great.

I’m back on my skis. And I’m actually, for Christmas, I got this thing called Carve. And they’re these little devices that go on your skis. And they’ll talk to your earbuds or your headset. And they’ll teach you how to even be a better skier. gear. So I’m envisioning myself like,

and most people, they never get back to that, even with surgery. So stem cells are 100 percent the way to go compared to having surgery, especially because of what [00:04:00] you said about having arthritis and other problems from the surgeries and things like that.

Dr. Jeff: If you can, you know, there’s always going to be a role for surgery, but if we can lessen its need, I think that’s progress.

Susan: Yeah, so I’ve been doing really well under Dr. Jeff’s care, and I highly recommend that you come to ReCELLebrate and tell him about all your aches, your pains, your problems, a lot of them. Fix them for you.

Dr. Jeff: Thank you.

Susan: You’re welcome.

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