Dr. Jeff: [00:00:00] Hi everyone. I’m here with Susan Bratton, intimacy and longevity expert.
Susan: Yay! And I am here with my wonderful Dr. Jeff of ReCELLebrate in Las Vegas, Nevada. I’ve been coming to Dr. Jeff for a couple of years now. Originally I came to him because I had terrible long haul COVID. And I had All kinds of damage, soft tissue damage.
I’d lost my hair three times. I was so bald. You could see right into my scalp. There was nothing left in the front and I’d lost so much hair. And I’d already been what I like to call follicularly challenged. I had a gluten intolerance almost my whole life and my hair was always thinned. So were all the women in my family.
But it turns out it’s not hereditary. For me, originally it was diet. I cleaned up my diet at 50 and grew my hair back, got rid of gluten and grew my hair back. Then I got COVID and my hair all fell out. And I was like, well, if I grew it once, I can grow it again. And I’d done it with PRP [00:01:00] the first time.
That’s how I got the hair growth back. So I knew it was possible to grow it back, but I wanted to try it again. stem cells. And when I came to Dr. Jeff for stem cell IVs to help me with all the COVID tissue damage, I noticed that it also started regrowing my hair. And today I, this is a hundred percent all my hair.
A lot of times, if you see see me on Instagram or whatever, I’ve got a big hair piece on, but I’m now can go out and have just my own hair and not feel unattractive. And so because I was getting the systemic benefit of the stem cell IVs and seeing that affect my hair today, Dr. Jeff is going to do another greater measure of stem cell based hair restoration for me.
Dr. Jeff: Right, we’re going to work against the inflammatory damage at the follicular level. I can use your fancy doctor term. And that’s the [00:02:00] part where the, the hair cell comes out of the cell in the scalp. So we’re going to give you an IV, but also directly inject some of your own stem cells into your scalp after we numb it up a little bit using a Botox sized needle.
So it won’t be that bad. And And that takes some time because those cells are in and out of growth phases and things like that. But we want to stimulate those follicle cells to make the protein of hair, just like we might treat a joint and make the protein of cartilage. And we’re stimulating those cells to do what they were designed to do.
Susan: I can’t wait. One of the things that I really want you to do is take some very close up pictures of the follicle, follicle, follicle density because I was talking to our friend Alan Bauman and I said, you know, how do I get a good sense of improvement? Is there a special machine I need or anything? He’s like, Suze, just take pictures.
Like, you can see the density grow better [00:03:00] and thicker, and I can feel it, and so you can see it with the camera. So, that’s one of the other things we’re going to do today. And then the other thing that I’m asking Jeff to do today is, and I come about three times a year to you.
Dr. Jeff: Not enough.
Susan: He says me. And I had a brow lift over the holidays, and I don’t know if you can see my little scar right here.
There’s one right up in here too. So. Let me show you that because I’ll show you later. I’ve got a little makeup on him so you can’t see them a lot, but Dr. Jeff is going to inject stem cells into that scar area to try to get that to heal and kind of fill in with tissue because it’s almost like there’s divots from the scars.
And I had a, I had a brow lift and I had a bleph, an eye lift. and I had lasering. And so now the stem cells, I’m coming right after I did all that. I just got the stitches out about, I’m going to say two weeks ago. And now Dr. Jeff is going to give me a stem cell [00:04:00] IV and do the spot areas with the targeted cells.
stem cells so that I’m healing from the inside out and from the outside in with those injections. So I just have stem cells have been so beneficial to me in so many ways from all of the damages that I have sustained. And I feel like in addition to reparation. They are also very anti aging. Like, when you fixed my knees now, I could just get off this chair and squat up and down, squat up and down, squat up and down.
Like, I don’t think people who have those surgeries can do that.
Dr. Jeff: No, they struggle sometimes. So yeah, I mean, that’s the beauty. Aging is a degenerative process. Yes. And stem cell based medicine is the opposite. It’s the regenerative process. So we’re here to Rage against the age.
Susan: I like that. Rage against the age.
We’re, we’re going to be like the Dorian, Dorian [00:05:00] Grays here. You’re going to see our videos over time. And we have a lot of videos, by the way, I post them all on my Better Lover YouTube channel. So he and I, Dr. Jeff and I have been doing these videos through my entire process. If you’re interested in more about that and what we’ve gone through together, and we’re always coming up with new things to do too.
It’s not like aging ends. We just keep nipping stuff in the bud and fixing the problems. So you can find us there and you can find Dr. Jeff at ReCELLebrate. We’ll see you on the other side.
Dr. Jeff: Take care.