Sexual Regenerative Treatments

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Sexual Rejuvenation Make Over

I’m Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert. I’m with Dr. Robyn Benson here together at the Santa Fe, Soul Wellness Centre. I have just had the most amazing experience. My husband Tim and I have been here for the last three days having every different kind of regenerative treatment that Robyn offers at her center. She’s […]

Sexual Biohacking For Men

I’m Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert from The20 and I’m with Dr. Robyn Benson, and we stand for men’s sexual health and performance and feeling like you are 18 even when you’re 80. I wanted Robyn to talk to you about the ultimate sexual bio-hacking stack. What are the natural regenerative treatments that she offers […]

Natural Facelift Using PRP From Your Own Blood (Vampire Facelift)

I’m Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert from The20, and I’m with Dr. Robyn Benson. We’re talking about facial tissue and skin restoration using platelet-rich plasma. Sometimes, that’s called the Vampire Facelift. At its essence, it uses PRP healing factors from your own blood, re-injected into your skin to rejuvenate and recollagenate your skin as you […]

PRP Hair Restoration

I’m Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert from The20, and I’m with Dr. Robyn Benson from Santa Fe Soul, Centre for Optimal Health, and we’re talking about hair restoration. By that, I mean using your body’s own healing ability to regrow more hair especially in your midlife and beyond when both people across the gender spectrum […]

The Orgasm Shot aka O Shot

We’re talking about sexual regenerative therapies. Dr. Benson does a fantastic job with people across the gender spectrum, helping reverse the clock on your sexual functions so that you turn this function into ‘function.’ On this episode, we talk about restoring sexual function, reversing laxity, incontinence, genital pain, and a lack of sensation and the […]

GAINSWave + PRP + Penis Pump

I’m Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert from The20, with my friend Dr. Robyn Benson from Santa Fe Soul Centre for Optimal Health. We are going to talk about GAINSwave and PRP used in the Priapus Shot as a combination of therapies that help reverse erectile dysfunction and increase overall erectile performance. Get Hard Instantly On […]

PRP For Sexual Rejuvenation

I’m Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert, from The20, and I’m with Dr. Robyn Benson, who runs the Santa Fe Soul Centre for Optimal Wellness. I wanted her to talk about platelet-rich plasma, PRP for sexual rejuvenation. So much of what she does around her amplified regenerative therapies, the treatments that she uses in sexual wellness […]

Sexual Regenerative Treatments

I’m Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert from The 20, and I’m with Dr. Robyn Benson from the Santa Fe Soul, Center for Optimal Health. Today, we will talk about amplified sexual regenerative treatments, things that turn back the clock on your sexual abilities as you age. Staying healthy sexually is as important for many people […]

Sexual Biohacking Show and Tell

I’m Susan Bratton, and it’s lovely to talk to you today. I am an intimacy expert to millions, and there are three legs of the stool of your sexuality. The first is techniques. You have to understand pleasurable practices. I’ve been writing pleasuring techniques for 20 years and can tell you it’s a never-ending possibility […]

Adult Stem Cell Banking: What You Need to Know

In a captivating interview conducted by Susan Bratton, renowned regenerative medicine expert Kristin Comella sheds light on the concept of adult stem cell banking. Stem cells, which possess the remarkable ability to develop into various cell types in the body, hold immense potential for medical treatments and therapies. Infinite impact: