Sexless Marriage

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Living In A Sexless Marriage

Partners feel like they’re being rejected and the balance is thrown off. Suddenly, you don’t want to be close or you’re exhausted because as a woman you’re taking on too much. Sexless marriages are pretty common, more than most of us even want to admit. So, when someone finds themselves stuck in one, is it […]

The Hidden Risks Of The Quickie

Here in my video with relationship expert John Gray we talk about different kinds of lovemaking. There are three kinds of sex: The Quickie, Home Cooked and Gourmet. I personally think life should always be gourmet sex, but I know sometimes the quickie can serve a purpose. But WATCH OUT for the problems that come […]

How To Touch Her Genitals To Give Her Orgasms

Hello! I’m Susan Bratton, Trusted Hot Sex Advisor to millions of lovers worldwide who want more and better sex. In this trilogy, I’m sharing with you the 3 ways to make her have more and better orgasms… even from intercourse.. If you missed videos #1 and #2, please watch them as this is a three-part […]

Wife Doesn’t Want To Make Love After Menopause

Learn how to get more sex more often even after her menopause. His wife is using her menopause and his ED to get out of sex with him. Matt’s prescriptions killed his ability to get an erection at the same time his wife went into menopause. He loves to give her pleasure, even if only […]

How Men Vs Women Like To Have Sex

I’m Susan Bratton, trusted hot sex adviser to millions. In this short video, the difference between man and woman sexually will become crystal clear. Get “The Sexual Soulmate Pact.” This technique from my #1 bestseller, Sexual Soulmates, is my gift to you. Your lover will be OVER THE MOON when you use this two-word phrase […]

How To Bring Sex Back Into My Marriage

Discover how to reawaken her to her sensual self, get aroused at the thought of making love with you, desiring sex again: click here. The conditions for saving a sexless marriage. Where you see a sexless marriage you also see a couple whose vitality is diminished. Watch this 3-minute video to find out what being […]

What Is Sexual Energy? – Future of Sex 1 of 10

Grab your free book, How To Be Instantly Hotter and Sexier. Click here. What IS sexual energy? When people hear the words “sexual energy” they tend to think libido and eroticism. And while those are key elements of sexual energy, it’s far more all-encompassing than that. Simply put: sexual energy is your LIFE FORCE. It’s […]

How To Fix A Sexless Marriage

Download the 6 Essentials For Wild, Passionate Sex eBook for FREE Here is a video series I made for you on the six essentials to being sexual soulmates. This came from an interview I did with Cami Elen for her Ultimate Love Life Make Over.

Sonoran Living: How To Rekindle Romance In Your Marriage

Relationship advisor Susan Bratton is here to educate us on how to rekindle the romance in your marriage with lessons she learned through her many years of marriage. She’s also written a book on ‘Relationship Magic,’ which is technically a workbook, one of at least 20 different books on the topic. Get Relationship Magic here. […]