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How To Spice Up Your Sex Life

I’m Susan Bratton, hot sex adviser to millions, and here’s a primer on how to spice up your sex life. Pumping works when you follow this plan. Click here. HOW TO SPICE UP YOUR SEX LIFE I’m Susan Bratton, hot sex adviser to millions, who gets the lucky task of being the Dear Abby of […]

How To Get An Erection Again

I’m Susan Bratton and I’m a trusted hot sex adviser to millions. I get the lucky task of being a Dear Abby of sex. I love to help people learn how to have passionate lovemaking. I teach people bedroom communication skills, and the third leg of that stool is all-important in that sexual health because […]

How To Cure Erectile Dysfunction

If you’ve been following me for some time now, you’ve probably noticed I talk about the GAINSWave protocol for increasing erectile function a lot. That’s because it simply works! I’ve communicated with hundreds of men who have gone through GAINSWave treatments, and have heard their rave reviews and turn-around stories. If you’re not as firm […]

GainsWave Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Results

If you’ve been following me for some time now, you’ve probably noticed I talk about the GAINSWave protocol for increasing erectile function a lot. That’s because it simply works! I’ve communicated with hundreds of men who have gone through GAINSWave treatments, and have heard their rave reviews and turn-around stories. If you’re not as firm […]

GainsWave for Sexual Dysfunction

If you’ve been following me for some time now, you’ve probably noticed I talk about the GAINSWave protocol for increasing erectile function a lot. That’s because it simply works! I’ve communicated with hundreds of men who have gone through GAINSWave treatments, and have heard their rave reviews and turn-around stories. If you’re not as firm […]

How To Turn Her On

Susan Bratton teaches you sensual and sexual touch and how to turn her on. Pumping works when you follow this plan. Click here. HOW TO TURN HER ON I’m Susan Bratton, a trusted hot sex adviser to millions. I love to help people learn how to have passionate lovemaking. I teach people bedroom communication skills, […]

How To Stop Premature Ejaculation

I’m Susan Bratton, trusted hot sex adviser to millions. I get the lucky task of being a Dear Abby of sex. I love to help people learn how to have passionate lovemaking. I teach people bedroom communication skills, and sexual health is all-important because without your sexual health it’s hard to have sex. ” Pumping […]

Is Sex Important In A Relationship?

Is sex important in a relationship? Sex is important to you as a person even more than it is important to your marriage because sex is your health. Grab This Penis Pumping Guide for Enlargement or Reversing Atrophy and Erectile Dysfunction, click HERE. I’m Susan Bratton, and I’m a trusted hot sex adviser to millions. […]

Does Sex Relieve Stress And Anxiety

Does sex relieve stress? Anxiety is a big problem in the world today and sex helps reduce anxiety. Of course, you can connect with another person if you go beyond solo sex because sex can be with yourself. When you have the opportunity to have sex with another person, making sure that you can do […]

Health Benefits Of Orgasms

Having orgasms is like high-intensity interval training. When we talk about ED and needing to have a higher circulation of all of your vascular power, having sex helps you have better sex. It’s a self-fulfilling virtuous cycle. Good sex makes sex even better. Learn about the health benefits of orgasms. Grab This Penis Pumping Guide […]

How To Be Good At Sex

Sex takes practice. You don’t even get good at it until you’re 30, 40, 50, or 60 years old. The best lovers in the world are in their 60s, 70s, and 80s if they keep themselves in good health. Learn how to be good at sex. Grab This Penis Pumping Guide for Enlargement or Reversing […]

How Much Sex Is Too Much?

How much sex is too much? When you think about sexual responses among human beings, there’s always a bell curve like there is with everything, whether it’s IQ, athletic performance, or individual connection. If you think about the difference between testosterone and estrogen, testosterone wants a lot more than estrogen necessarily does. If you look […]