Avoid STI’s

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How To Have Safe Sex

Learn how to discuss safe sex with your partner. Beyond the safe sex talk: Communicating your emotional and physical boundaries. Click here. How To Have Safe Sex Decide to go exclusively with someone and then have intercourse. Because you can get STDs even with a condom. When two people first start dating, what’s the best […]

How To Have SAFE Hot Sex

Play the field, safely. Have casual sex without intercourse. You have way more options than you think about having safe sex with a lot of partners. And it turns out that sexual agreements create a safe container for the HOTTEST sex imaginable. Do you have your own agreements with yourself about what you will do […]

Which STD Tests To Get

How do you know which STD tests to get? Today I’m your naughty nurse, sharing How To AVOID 20 Sexually Transmitted Infections. OK. How do you avoid getting STIs? People are hooking up like crazy! It’s like “sport sexing” out there right now. The perfect storm of global travel, sexual emancipation, and online dating apps […]

When To Have The Safe Sex Talk

It’s all about how to TURN ON YOUR LOVER’S DEEPEST SEXUAL FANTASIES. Read on to learn when to have the safe sex talk. Click HERE to watch your free FANTASY SEX video tonight WHEN TO HAVE THE SAFE SEX TALK So, When should you have the Safe Sex Talk? Instead of feeling like you’ve gone […]

How To Have The Safe Sex Talk

Here are 8 Safe Sex talk questions you can use to prevent unwanted sexually transmitted infections. With more people having more sex with more partners, knowing how and when to have the “safe sex talk” is vital to preventing heartbreak and outbreaks. Get your Free Download here ⇒ How To Be Instantly Hotter And Sexier […]