Does Penis Size Matter

Hi, I’m Susan Bratton and I want to talk to you about whether penis size matters. Did you know that the vagina is densely packed with pressure sensitive mechanoreceptors in the skin that detect stretching sensations?

As you go up the vaginal canal, there’s less sensation. So, women generally are more sensitive to the girth rather than the length of a penis which is great for guys who aren’t that long but have girth.

In this video, I’m going to tell you that there are ways that you can easily add girth, even more easily than you can add length to your penis.

FREE Gift(s): Pump Guide

Hi, I’m Susan Bratton, trusted hot sex adviser to millions, and I want to talk to you about whether penis size matters. In fact, it does but not in the ways that you think. Did you know that the vagina is densely packed with some pressure sensitive mechanoreceptors in the skin that detect stretching sensations? According to research, these appear to be finely-tuned to detect variability in circumference, which is the width around a penis where the vagina is actually less sensitive to differences in other stimulation such as vibration or warmth. Especially as you go up into the vaginal canal, there’s less and less sensation. So, women generally are more sensitive to the girth rather than the length of a penis which is great for guys who aren’t that long but have girth.

I’m going to tell you that there are ways that you can easily add girth, even more easily than you can add length to your penis. Another thing that I thought was interesting was that other studies found that women prefer a relatively larger penis proportional to their body size. Especially with respect to circumference. A big girl like me at almost 6-feet tall is typically going to be more attracted to a larger penis than a tiny little woman who is a little bit smaller. She will want a penis that isn’t as big. That being said there’s a wide variety of vaginal shapes and sizes. Just because a man or woman is small doesn’t mean that they necessarily have a small vagina or penis. It’s important to know that most people are built to fit together no matter what your size.

There are people who are a little too big for one another, but there are things you can do such as using a new technology called the O Nut. If the man is too long for the woman with the depth of her vagina, he can put a little bumper on his penis and shorten the amount of length that goes inside her. You can also use a penis pump or undergo Gainswave treatments and P Shot treatments to expand the size of your penis and increase your penile volume.

I want to get into some research that my friend Geoffrey Miller, who’s a psychologist and author of sex and mating books and a professor at the University of New Mexico, oversaw. This research project that he supported was titled Women’s Preferences for Penis Size. They gave 75 women a basket of 3D printed penis models and asked them to choose one they’d like to have for a one-time versus a long-term partner. Ultimately women preferred a slightly larger penis size, with a larger circumference for one-time partners as compared to long-term partners.

Essentially, she wanted a bigger penis for a one-night stand and a certain size for her everyday guy. While this preference for a larger phallus is above the average penis size, it’s only very slightly above the average. Women preferred a penis of slightly larger circumference for a one-night stand. They preferred a penis measuring 6.4 inches or 16.3 centimetres, with a circumference of 5 inches or 12.7 centimetres. In her long-term guy, her every day man, she wanted a length of 6.3 inches or 16 centimetres with a circumference of 4.8 inches or 12.2 centimetres.

Now the first estimates of erect penis size preferences using the 3D models suggested that women could accurately recall size and they preferred penises only slightly larger than average. They could go back and pick out of the basket the size that they wanted and they could do it again when the basket was taken away and brought back. Almost all of them picked the same size penises over and over. Now of course that’s the average because there were women who picked smaller and there were women who picked larger penises.

With so many people watching porn and so many giant penises shown on porn, people are now socialized to want bigger members. Millennial women are especially strident about penis size. They don’t like small dicks, which I find heart-breaking because men and women are made to fit together. Average is average for a reason. We’re all on a spectrum of size and shape and there are as many women who prefer a man who’s on the small, average to low size as there are women who want a medium to bigger penis. But the media is mean and we all know that.

So, if you’re on the smaller size, I want you to know that you do not have to feel bad about the size of your penis. That being said, in my opinion wanting a bigger penis isn’t any different than a woman who wants big boobs. I got them naturally but if I was a flat-chested woman maybe I would have wanted to get a boob job. Women get them all the time and it makes them happy.

So, if you want a bigger penis, you should get one too and no you don’t necessarily have to have surgery to get a bigger penis. You could also want a bigger penis simply to get more blood-carrying capacity so that you have harder firmer erections. I’ve studied penis enlargement in depth on my YouTube channel here at You’ll see a series of videos that I’ve done all about the things that work and don’t work for penis enlargement. Here are my recommendations for budget and luxury penis enlargement options.

For the budget option, penis pumping is the way to go. The penis pump that I recommend is called The Whopper and the hand pump edition is the lowest-priced option of the brand I recommend. The reason I recommend The Whopper is that it has great quality of construction. They have excellent customer support. They’ve been in a family-run business for 25 years.

You have the ability to keep the hand pump and upgrade the cylinders as you go. What I like about the Whopper is that that particular pump comes with two cylinders and the big one allows you to put both your penis and your testicles inside so that when you put the vacuum on, it pulls at something called your suspensory ligament which gives you both length and girth. Most pumps only increase girth for any amount of volume. They’re not really made to pump the length. So, the Whopper gives you both length and girth and no it doesn’t make your testicles bigger. Your testicles don’t grow the same way the tissue in your penis grows. You can pump for about 13 weeks at my prescribed pumping routine which is about every other day.

If you want to go with a luxury option, I recommend the premium edition of the Whopper. It is an electric pump. It’s hands-free and you can pump while you’re doing your email, doing other work, or watching television. You can work or relax while the pump does the job automatically.

Another thing that I recommend that you add on is a new treatment for men called Gainswave. It’s an acoustic wave that breaks up penile arteries and does little tiny micro damages in the tissue of your penis so that your body recruits growth factors and stem cells to repair it and you end up with more penis tissue and increased volume. Because you get more blood flow, you get bigger harder and firmer erections easily. For many men, a series of Gainswave treatments have been able to reverse erectile dysfunction. My girlfriend recently said Gainswave is like Botox for men only it gets the wrinkles out of your penis.

I love the Gainswave treatment. It’s a safe in-and-out treatment. You can have a series of them. Sometimes one treatment will work and sometimes guys need a few treatments to really see some results. But it increases your penile volume and your blood-carrying capacity which is so important for getting a bigger penis.

Another add-on because we’re talking about luxury is something called a Priapus Shot or a P Shot. Essentially, you use the growth factors from your own blood and put them into your penile tissue to rejuvenate that tissue. Ultimately, we’re all aging all the time, and as you age, your tissue begins to atrophy. The blood is taken from your arm, put in a centrifuge, pulled out and the PRP or platelet-rich plasma is reinjected into the penile tissue. When you do that, you bring growth factors that increase the penile firmness. You get bigger harder, firmer erections more easily. The P Shot and the Gainswave are a synergistic combination. When you add the penis pumping routine on top of it, it’s a beautiful triumvirate that works well for 95% of the men that have done it because I’ve recommended it. They’ve come back and told me this was a game-changer for them.
If you’re going to get a Gainswave, get a P Shot with it if you can afford it and use the Whopper for three months during the treatment phase. This is the gold standard for both penis rejuvenation and penis enlargement in the world today. In addition, when you’re pumping, you can take nitric oxide supplements 20 minutes before pumping and recovery supplements during the treatment to help build that tissue to increase your penile dimension or penile volume.
I explain everything about the Whopper, Gainswave and P Shot in great detail in my report called The Pump Guide.

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