Dr. Jeff: [00:00:00] Hi, I’m here with Susan Bratton, intimacy and longevity expert.
Susan: And this is my wonderful Dr. Jeff of ReCELLebrate in Nevada, who is doing stem cell regenerative therapies of many kinds on me. And if you haven’t seen our video series, we’ve been working together for the last year to reverse a lot of different damage that I’ve sustained in various ways.
But I asked Jeff, what’s on the horizon? What are we going to do next? And he has a really exciting thing that he’s working on that I am very interested in.
Well, thank you. I, you know, the, the nerd in me keeps open the academic channels and, and we are very close to having That’s a special kind of a cell derived signaling factor called an exosome that comes from an immune cell in our body that is designed, that immune cell is normally designed to identify and remove abnormal cells that happen in our body all the time, like an accidental [00:01:00] cancer cell, which we do make, and they get cleared out.
And there’s a specific kind of exosome that, that can be separated out from a pool of these, and it’s a, they’re highly effective. In studies both in, in animals, in cell cultures, and in some humans not yet here in the U. S. Against those with cancer. So this might be a game changer for those being treated for cancer maybe in between a chemo or, or a cycle or something, or maybe instead of.
And, or, A wonderful preventative to augment the immune system in those maybe at higher risk for cancer.
So, I noticed that you didn’t say natural killer cell. You said exosome. Is it different?
Dr. Jeff: It’s, it would be
Susan: Is it the exosome of an NK cell?
Dr. Jeff: It is exactly that. Okay. It is exactly that. Huh.
Susan: And NK cells, I, as I understood them, not only do they attack cancerous cells, cells of cancer, but they also, do they attack SASP cells, senescent cells that are [00:02:00] kind of leaking this
Dr. Jeff: Yes.
Susan: Yeah, that’s what I thought. And we make our own NK cells. We do.
And some people are using, is it called plasmapheresis, the thing where they culture your own NK cells and then imbue them back into you? Or are they using umbilical NK cells or, there
Dr. Jeff: there are many different types of immunotherapies. Mm-hmm
Plasmapheresis is more of a filtering out of the gunk in our plasma.
Oh, okay.
N NK therapies can be the actual cells. They can be your own cells. They can be cells that are primed or. Made to you know, attack something specific, but this is very labor intensive. It’s not really available meaningfully in the U.
It requires multiple steps and labs and things. The NK cells can be an off the shelf therapy. Here’s a vial. That, that we got just like we get stem cells and exosomes now, here’s a vial. They were, they were separated out from a pool of exosomes and here they are. Wow. Yeah. So we wouldn’t have to go through all those steps of, of taking out cells [00:03:00] and, and monkeying with them, which we’re really not supposed to do.
Susan: One of the, I saw a video of a microscope look, watching NK cells. Eat bad cells, eat broken cells, and they’re like Pac Men that rove in gangs in your body where they’ll come across a bad cell and they’ll gang up on it and they dispose of it.
Dr. Jeff: They’re amazing, they’re highly, highly effective.
Selective, they don’t require antibodies to work you know, they’re different from that part of the immune system. They simply come across a messed up cell, whether it’s senescent, cancer, or genetically deranged or some kind of foreign thing, and they will attack it through their exosomes, which have small proteins that, that cause that cell to dissolve itself and rupture and those parts get recycled.
So, it’s almost like, program cell, it causes a program cell death to that cell, [00:04:00] which is what you want.
Susan: So it seems like we’ve gone from PRP to exosomes, to stem cells, to NK cells, that there’s this progression of things that we can start to do. So we have the stem cells to do reparation on tissue and healing, healing the degenerative damage of aging and illness.
We have the NK cells to essentially do kind of like an accelerated autophagy and cleaning up cellular, broken cellular debris. Yeah. What else is on the horizon beyond that?
Dr. Jeff: Well, we have other designer exosomes because when we look at stem cells and exosomes, they’re generic, right?
Susan: They’re, they’re meant to They’re called pluripotent.
They can turn into anything, right?
Dr. Jeff: Yeah, a multipotent in this case. Okay. The pluripotent are are a step back in the embryonic line that are only used right now in certain settings, although there will be more uses. And, you know, people talk about when are [00:05:00] you going to regrow a limb? Oh yeah. And it’ll come from that, that, that induced pluripotency.
Okay. But multipotent is not as powerful, but it’s still wonderful. We use, we’re using your multipotent cells today, for example, stem cells, but those stem cells and exome generic, they do anything for, for those, for those tissues. And, and We are going to be looking at specific types of the NK cell exosome mitochondrial rich exosomes.
For example, we can inject there. There’s a study in China injecting white fat, converting it to brown fat, which, and which is easier to burn off, for example. So you can imagine the potential possibility or in frailty injecting muscles. With mitochondrial rich exosomes that can donate the mitochondria to the muscle so they can get more out of a muscle Muscle mass which as you know is correlated with longevity.
Yeah, so so I think we’re gonna see more selective and engineered Exosomes.
Susan: Will there be a time in the future, so I’ve banked my own harvested cells at American [00:06:00] Cell Technology, and that’s what Jeff and I use when I come here to re celebrate, and he injects me in specific areas and does IVs with me.
Those stem cells. Now I’ve, I was 61 when I, I think when I came here. Harvested them and sent them to American Cell Tech. And they have my line now. And they can grow out vials of cells. I think I shipped you 15 million cells. for our procedure today. Did what I gave to American cell tech from my body two years ago, will I be able to harvest other things out of that line?
Like, do you think someday there would be the technology for me to have my own and my own NK cells?
Dr. Jeff: Oh yeah. I mean,
Susan: that’s interesting.
Dr. Jeff: Yeah. To the extent there were, there were NK cells in the original sample. And those can be separated out and, and, you know, only a very small percentage of our immune cells, our NK cells, let alone our [00:07:00] whole cells.
All I need is a few that, that can be cultured and grown and divide and, and then from then you have your own population of NK cells.
Susan: Did you know that having sex increases your NK cells.
Dr. Jeff: I didn’t, but I think I’m going to take advantage of that today. Yeah.
Susan: When I speak on sex span, how to extend your health span by increasing your sex span.
So having ageless sexuality and don’t miss our video on the clitoral stem cell injections that we’ve done because that’s quite interesting. One of the studies that I read talked about how one of the reasons having frequent intimate pleasure together as you age is good for you is because it increases your NK cells.
It’s just all kinds of good cellular increases. So there you go little hot tip from this expert right at the end But anything else that you’d like to say about the NK cells or any other future advances?
Dr. Jeff: Yeah, [00:08:00] listen, we’re working very hard on this This is a very project. That’s that’s dear to me You know when you go into medicine you want to really help people and and I love doing that But man, if we could we can make a bigger dent into cancer That, that would that would be really, really heartwarming for everyone.
So if you or you know anyone that’s suffering from that or at risk please, you know, follow us at ReCELLebrate and, and Susan Bratton’s channels. And, and as soon as we have these available, we’ll make a note.
Susan: Great. So Dr. Jeff at ReCELLebrate and I highly recommend him. He’s just been absolutely wonderful to work with.
If you want to know more about our journey together over the last few years of using exosomes and stem cells on a myriad of issues that I’ve had feel free to find those on my YouTube channel at Better Lover. We’ll see you on the other side.