Sexual Health138 Videos

Period Sex with Nicole Harlow

Women are often amazed how HOT sex can be during their period. So why do so many of us hold back? Three reasons: * The mess. * The gross-out factor. * Conditioned shame. In this video, you’ll get expert tips from Nicole Harlow and me that turn period sex into a non-issue. Or… better yet, […]

Wife Doesn’t Want To Make Love After Menopause

Learn how to get more sex more often even after her menopause. His wife is using her menopause and his ED to get out of sex with him. Matt’s prescriptions killed his ability to get an erection at the same time his wife went into menopause. He loves to give her pleasure, even if only […]

Semen Stimulates Sex

The good news is that there are some incredible testosterone loopholes for increasing your testosterone with sex! Is semen good for women? Get free audio and checklist called, The Orgasmic Fantastic Sex Date. Visit my Amazon store here: Testosterone is not just a man’s hormone. Women need it too for brain function and vitality. […]

Getting Your Libido Back After Prostate Removal

Getting Your Libido Back After A Prostate Removal Here’s another gentleman who’s 79. He’s enjoyed a wonderful sex life with a loving and caring wife. Twelve years ago, he had his prostate, penal nerve, and vas deferens removed because doctors thought they might be cancerous.  Following that, he had ED, and he used injections to […]