Best Benefits

This conversation features Dr. Jeffrey Gross of ReCELLebrate and Susan Bratton, an intimacy expert, discussing regenerative procedures for the vulva. Susan shares her experience with seven PRP O-shots over seven years, noting initial subtle improvements in sensation and subsequent benefits including enhanced tissue growth, improved sensation, and reduced incontinence. She explains how these treatments, combined with learning orgasm skills, have helped her experience more intense and longer-lasting orgasms as she’s aged. The discussion concludes with anticipation about comparing the effects of stem cell O-shots to PRP treatments in the future.

Full transcript:

Dr. Jeffrey Gross: [00:00:00] All right, Susie, I have a question for you.

Susan: Okay, I’m Susan Bratton, Intimacy Expert to Millions and patient of Dr. Gross’s.

Dr. Jeffrey Gross: I’m Dr. Jeff Gross at ReCELLebrate. That’s our sound effect. So, you’ve had multiple different regenerative procedures involving your vulva.

Susan: Yes, I have.

Dr. Jeffrey Gross: So far which one has been the most tolerable in terms of the procedure and which one do you think so far in today’s account has given you the best benefits and why?

Susan: Well, I’ve had seven O shots which are PRP, injected into the clitoral urethral complex. And I’ve started doing that when I was about 55, and now I’m 62, and I’ve done it 7 times. The first time, I didn’t notice anything. The second time, I went, oh, okay, now I’m noticing a return to some sensation that I had lost through the atrophy of aging.

And then the subsequent [00:01:00] incremental PRP shots over the years what I would notice is that I would have this kind of a down like a downfall a lessening, cessation in my sensation that would then return after the kind of inflammation of PRP dissipated and I had that new tissue growth that improved sensation reversed incontinence and gave me a little bit more tissue, more meatiness to the genital structures.

So I think it’s going to be really interesting to see what the sensation stem cell experiences like versus the PRP experience, hoping that there will be less of the inflammatory response, more of just the kind of return to the growth and the fixing and the cleanup and enhanced sensation because one of the things that I’ve noticed over the years.

In the last 20 years, I have become more and more orgasmic with more and more intensity and duration of my orgasm because I’ve learned the skills of orgasm [00:02:00] and I’ve reversed the atrophy of aging in concert. And I think it’s those two things that have helped me have more and more pleasure as I age, rather than less and less.

Dr. Jeffrey Gross: Fantastic So save this video. Next time we get together, we’ll follow up on the results. of what stem cell O Shots do compared to the PRP O Shots.

Susan: I like it.

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