Stem Cells Into My Genitals: The New “O Shot.”

Dr. Jeff: Hello everyone, I’m Dr. Jeff at ReCelebrate, and here with me is Susan Bratton, intimacy and longevity expert.

Susan: And my darling Dr. Jeff of ReCelebrate here in Nevada has been doing wonderful work with me. We started out doing exosomes, but then quickly I decided I wanted to harvest my own stem cells, and I banked them at American Cell Technology in Florida, and then we shipped my stem cells, and I’m here in Vegas with Dr.

Jeff today, and I’m having a stem cell IV, And I’m also going to be having stem cells in my scalp because my hair is growing from the stem cells and I want to accelerate it. But what’s interesting is that I told Jeff the last time I came, we actually did stem cell IV and we injected stem cells. stem cells into my urogenital system, my clitoral, urethral, periurethral systems, tissues, uh, erectile tissues.

And so I said to Jeff, you know, I’m going to give you a [00:01:00] full report. Are you going to get red? And he’s like, I probably will.

Dr. Jeff: Sometimes doctors do what they have to do. for patient’s well being. So how is your well being? My

Susan: well being is so good. Here’s what, here’s what I’ve noticed this time. I already told you that I had a bit of PRP done in the clitoral structures called an o shot and that had always been good at kind of regenerating the tissue.

But what I noticed when I would get PRP is that I would go through this like 60 to 90 days where my sensation actually dropped because it causes inflammation, which then your body comes to repair, which rebuilds the tissue. And that’s the construct of PRP. But when you injected me with my own stem cells, I did not have that issue at all.

I didn’t notice any loss of sensation. I didn’t notice any kind of loss of orgasmic intensity. What I did notice was that it took about 90 days to come to effect. It’s kind of the same [00:02:00] as a PRP. But once it did, the entire urogenital system was even meatier. There was more tissue. There was more surface area.

There was more ability to get engorged, which means more surface area, sending more signals to your biggest sex organ, your brain. And it helped me with that incontinence. I think I want to do it again because I still am chasing a little bit of that urge incontinence when I think I have to do it. I’ll pee my pants a little before I get to the bathroom, but sexually, damn Jeff, like my orgasms, the intensity of my orgasms is even improved from what it was.

And I’m a champion at that because it’s literally my work is studying human orgasmic potential. Nice work if you can get it. And it’s even more intense. And I’m, I’m 63 years old, which I like to explain to people. It doesn’t mean that your pleasure has to go down. It can keep getting better. And when you reverse atrophy [00:03:00] and do these kinds of regenerative therapies, it, it’s better than it was in my thirties.

It’s better than it was in my twenties. It’s incredible.

Dr. Jeff: Maybe we shouldn’t do it again because I’m worried I could get too

Susan: No, we’re going to do it again. Anything you want to say about that or are we done?

Dr. Jeff: No, I mean, this is, you know, quality of life comes in many measures and this is one and you don’t have to give this away with age.

Susan: Yes, exactly. Ageless sexuality for the win. Dr. Jeff for the win.

Dr. Jeff: Take care.

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