Stem Cells For Long Haul Recovery

Dr. Jeff: [00:00:00] Hello, everyone. Today I’m here with my patient, Susan Bratton, an intimacy and longevity expert.

Susan: And I’m here with my doctor of regenerative medicine with an expertise in stem cells, especially my own. And his name is Dr. Jeff and we’re at ReCelebrate in Las Vegas.

Dr. Jeff: So let’s talk about the arc of all that you’ve done here at ReCelebrate.

I know a lot. Starting with recovery from COVID.

Susan: Yeah, that’s when I first came to Jeff a couple of years ago. I had terrible long haul COVID. I was in bed down for over a year. I lost all my hair, my skin. skin wrinkled. My lungs were bad. My heart was bad. My brain was inflamed. I was, I was a mess and that’s when we started actually with exosomes.

That was our very first beginning.

Dr. Jeff: We do IV exosomes. Yeah. And and then unfortunately you called me not too long after that. You were doing great and you were on the ski slopes and whoops, what happened?

Susan: I tore my ACLs and my MCLs on a blue easy run. And [00:01:00] mostly I did that because I had so much soft tissue damage from COVID that my, my ligaments just went and ripped.

And Jeff said, well, maybe we could regrow them for you.

Dr. Jeff: Well, trying to avoid surgery was the goal. And somehow amazingly. With some IV and in the knee exosomes and then later a booster stem cells. You’re back on the slopes

Susan: I know it’s just amazing that I didn’t have to have surgery and it was interesting I was when we were talking earlier today and you said, you know, I said I didn’t have to have this big sliced knee and cadaver sewn in ligaments and all this stuff and you said yeah, but you also didn’t have

Dr. Jeff: You don’t have the accelerated arthritis that comes with those surgeries, even though the surgeries are well meaning and do good things sometimes.

The downside is they do accelerate the degenerative process, so we were able to avoid that, and that’s been, gosh, what, a year and a half or more now?

Susan: Yeah, you got me back on the slopes the next season. [00:02:00]

Dr. Jeff: Yep. Which was amazing. And then you came back for something quite intimate and special. I did.

Susan: I noticed that the stem cells were growing my hair, which I had lost multiple times from multiple bouts of COVID.

And I noticed my hair was growing and I’d had a lot of good benefit from doing PRP, platelet rich plasma injections in both my clitoral structures as I had atrophied as I had aged. and in my hair and face to regrow hair, which I’d had struggled with for many, many years prior to even getting COVID.

And so I said to Jeff, why don’t we inject stem cells into my clitoral structures? And I, we did that and we’re going to do another video just specifically about that. But also today I’m back again for injections into my scalp because my hair’s growing. I’m all like, Jeff, look, I can go like this now. It’s so fantastic.

Dr. Jeff: Toss, toss, right? [00:03:00] So we’re going to do that. And I’ll send you here a booster IV so you can have that rocket fuel that you love. And to stay as young as you are.

Susan: Yeah, so we have many videos together because Jeff and I have been recording these as we’ve done the procedures. They’re all on YouTube and my YouTube channel is Better Lover.

You’re welcome to go there if you have any one of these issues or many of them like I did and learn more about what we’ve done together because there’s some like there’s some even some surgery. videos. We took those videos where you drilled my own stem cells into my leg bones.

Dr. Jeff: Yeah, well, it’s injection in the surgical facility, but not surgery.

We’re trying to avoid actual open surgery.

Susan: Right. It wasn’t.

Dr. Jeff: Right.

Susan: So good. So check those out. And this is part of a series. So if you’re interested more in the regenerative aspects of stem cells and in Dr. Jeff’s work, you know, there’s more. There’s always more. See you on the other side.

Dr. Jeff: Bye bye.

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