Sex Toys with Susan Bratton, Amy Baldwin and April Lampert

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Sex Toys For Couples Even If He Has Erectile Dysfunction

I’m Susan Bratton and today we’re talking about healthy sex toys for couples. I am joined by my lovely guests, Amy Baldwin, sex educator, and co-host of the “Shameless Sex” Podcast, and April Lampert, VP of Hot Octopus and co-host of the “Shameless Sex” podcast. I learned from them about a brand called Hot Octopus. […]

The Best Sex Swing Sex Positions

I’m Susan Bratton, trusted hot sex adviser to millions, and I am with Amy Baldwin, sex educator and co-creator of the Shameless Sex Podcast ( and April Lampert, VP of Hot Octopus and co-host of the Shameless Sex Podcast, and on this episode, we’re going to teach you how to have fun and spice up […]