PRP For Sexual Vitality: O Shot ®and P Shot®

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The O-Shot Procedure With Susan Bratton

We have a very specific way that it's done and most of my patients tell me it hurts less than getting Botox; there’s zero pain. Here's how it happens. You go to your physician or nurse practitioner, and first of all, it should be more than just a shot.

Sexual Regenerative Treatments

I’m Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert from The 20, and I’m with Dr. Robyn Benson from the Santa Fe Soul, Center for Optimal Health. Today, we will talk about amplified sexual regenerative treatments, things that turn back the clock on your sexual abilities as you age. Staying healthy sexually is as important for many people […]

O-Shot Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure Explained

Want more feeling in your clit? Find out if the O-shot is for you! Susan Bratton talks with Dr. Robyn Benson about sexual rejuvenation for women. Age-reversal for your vulva! In this video you’ll learn: What is an O-shot? (:50) Why you might want to have an O-shot. (1:14) Four ways the O-shot can improve […]

Clitoral Erection and Anatomy: How To Engorge The Clitoris

I’m Susan Bratton and I am thrilled to be with Dr. Charles Runels. We have been talking about clitoral erections, the clitoral structure, its parts and how they fit into your body. What’s more fascinating, than how we’re built, is unfortunately that it’s only recently been talked about. For a long time the clitoris wasn’t […]