Semen Stimulates Sex

The good news is that there are some incredible testosterone loopholes for increasing your testosterone with sex! Is semen good for women?

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Testosterone is not just a man’s hormone. Women need it too for brain function and vitality. As we get older, supplemental Testosterone can help us feel young again. Watch my series on Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy with Dr. Glenn Wilcox.

Luckily, intercourse stimulates healthy testosterone production in both men and women.

And since reading the amazing book, Sexy Brain by Dr. Lindsey Berkson at, I’ve become ever more aware that men’s semen is symbiotically excellent for women.

Touching and cuddling also turns on a woman’s testosterone and depends on the area of her brain that’s connected to sexual satisfaction. Men like the frequency of sex because they’re Testosterone dominant; women require satisfaction because of estrogen’s “personality.”

A woman’s vaginal mucosa is like a sponge that absorbs all the critical mood and hormonal stimulants in semen, including:

  • Estrone
  • Estradiol
  • Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
  • Luteinizing hormone
  • Endorphins
  • Prolactin
  • Oxytocin
  • Thyrotropin-releasing hormone
  • Seratonin
  • several prostaglandins
  • Zinc
  • and Testosterone


If you want more vitality, cognitive function, reduced risk of heart attack and stroke, AND be happier, semen is a gift that can improve your health and increase your happiness.

Women who have more exposure to semen have less depression.

According to Dr. Berkson, semen is a source of natural testosterone for females. This means women don’t have to supplement as much external Testosterone to keep their bodies confident and happy if we have sex 3 times per week.

Even if a woman has sex with her guy three times a week just for the hormone “injection,” he’s probably gonna be pretty glad to help out! Right?

Even if you’re not in a sexually monogamous relationship, a woman can choose a straightforward, non-medicated intra-uterine device (IUD) for birth control and have wet sex (no condom) with multiple partners.

See my companion video, What STD Tests Should I Get? for a list of tests you should both get so you can have wet sex without a condom. You will still need to use birth control if you can conceive and don’t want to get pregnant.

The birth control pill (oral contraceptives) is not suitable for her. They disrupt a woman’s estrogen genes and lower a woman’s libido. They mess with her natural pheromone attraction abilities, potentially making her choose the wrong genetic mate. The pill damages the vital cross-talk between the HPA (hormones, pituitary, and adrenal) Axis. The Pill has also been linked to allergies and migraines. And they increase artery-clogging plaque in critical blood vessels, according to Dr. Berkson.


Engorgement means your erectile tissue fills with blood. Women get an erection too.

You wouldn’t expect a man to enjoy sex with a flaccid penis, right? No hard-on? What’s the point? The same goes for a woman. Her pleasure is directly related to tumescence or engorgement in her genital area. Without it, she cannot reach her orgasmic potential and, in fact, might not be able to climax at all.

Oral contraceptives have many adverse downstream effects.

Today’s birth control pills and pharmaceutical hormone replacement therapy are NOT the healthiest alternatives. You can work with your doctor, but I recommend finding a functional medicine practitioner to help you with bio-identical HRT.

You must be wary of conventional medicines and become an advocate for your own natural health solutions.

Consider the unmedicated, new non-hormonal IUD if you need birth control. This is what I helped my daughter get when she became sexually active. They stay in for about 5 years. Just get STD tests before you have unprotected sex with a new partner. Watch my video on Which STD tests to get. Then enjoy all that benefits semen offers your body!



I’m Susan Bratton, trusted hot sex adviser to millions, and we’re here to talk about semen.

Testosterone is not just a man’s hormone; women need it too for brain function and vitality. As we get older, supplemental testosterone can help us feel young again.

Watch my series of videos on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy with Dr. Glenn Wilcox. I also have a video on the best hormone tests. Some tests are okay, and others are excellent, and I want you to have the best.

If you’re young, watch my video on how to increase your testosterone naturally because supplementing testosterone when you’re still young decreases your body’s ability to produce it on its own.

The good news is that there are lovely testosterone loopholes for increasing your testosterone: by making love. 


Luckily, intercourse stimulates healthy testosterone production in both men and women. And since reading this fantastic book called Sexy Brain by Dr. Lindsey Berkson at Sexy Brain Systems, I’ve become ever more aware that men’s semen is symbiotically excellent for women. Touching and cuddling also turn on a woman’s testosterone and her brain’s area connected to sexual satisfaction. This is super important because Dr. Berkson says men need frequency. Women need satisfaction.

Men like the frequency of sex because they are testosterone-dominant. Women require satisfaction because of the personality of estrogen.

Here’s something exciting I learned from Dr. Lindsay. A woman’s vaginal canal has skin up inside called vaginal mucosa. It is like a sponge that absorbs the critical mood and hormonal stimulants from a man’s semen.


Look at what’s inside semen: Estrogen and estradiol are her estrogen hormones, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), also called luteinizing hormone, which is LH, endorphins, prolactin, the cuddle hormone, oxytocin, thyrotropin-releasing hormone, serotonin, several prostaglandins, zinc, which you need for brain function, and testosterone.

If you want more vitality and cognitive function to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke and to be a happier, healthier woman, semen is a gift that can improve your health and happiness. I’ve been passing on too much semen. I’m going to have extra helping because women who have more exposure to semen in their vaginal mucosa have less depression.


I got this from Dr. Berkson’s book, The Sexy Brain, at Sexy Brain Systems. According to her, semen is a natural testosterone source for females, which means we don’t have to supplement as much testosterone. We can keep our body confident, happy, build muscle, and have useful brain function by having sex three times a week.

Studies have shown myriad benefits of regular sex, and three times a week of penis-in-vagina semen transmission keeps women and men younger, looking healthier, and happier.

Read Sexy Brain for the peer-reviewed scientific studies that showed this to be true. It turns out that intercourse in which the man ejaculates into the woman keeps both partners in better health across many indicators, including happiness, heart health, and longevity. If you’re not heterosexual, I’ve got no judgment. I’m merely reporting facts from research studies in the Sexy Brain book.

Sex is right for you, no matter how you do it. It’s just that the human male and female have this built-in co-regulatory system where if they have frequent intercourse without a barrier, they get a lot of benefits.


Even if you’re not sexually monogamous, you can choose a plain non-medicated IUD for birth control instead of wearing a condom, and you can have wet sex.

You can have a man ejaculate into your vagina, and you can even do that with multiple partners if they’re exclusive. Make sure you have clean STD tests. Watch my companion video on what STD tests you should get. You must have a list of tests you should both get so you can have wet sex without a condom.

You still need to use birth control if you’re able to conceive and don’t want to get pregnant. Again, non-medicated IUD is the safest and effective form of birth control available today. Birth control pills or oral contraceptives are not suitable for women. They disrupt a woman’s estrogen genes, lower her libido, mess with her natural pheromone attraction abilities, potentially making her choose the wrong genetic mate.

They damaged the vital crosstalk between the HPA axis, the hormone pituitary, and the adrenal axis. The pills have also been linked to allergies and migraines, and according to doctor Berkson, the drug increases arterial clogging plaque in critical blood vessels.


We know that arterial plaque is the number one cause of erectile dysfunction. Since women have as much erectile tissue in their clitoral systems as men do in their penises, wouldn’t it make sense that taking the pill lowers a woman’s ability to get engorged and, therefore, orgasm?

Engorged means your erectile tissue fills with blood. Women get erections, too. You wouldn’t expect a man to enjoy sex with a flaccid penis. The same goes for a woman. Her pleasure is directly related to the tumescence or the engorgement in her genital area. Without it, she can’t reach her orgasmic potential and might not even be able to climax at all.


Circulation is essential, and oral contraceptives have a lot of adverse downstream effects. I lost my gallbladder recently because of calcium stones. My surgeon told me they came from taking birth control pills. If it had been cholesterol, there’s a chance I could have broken them down and saved my gallbladder, but because I’d taken synthetic estrogens, I ruined one of my vital organs.

Don’t let this or other problems occur by taking the pill. Use a non-medicated IUD instead. Today’s birth control pills and pharmaceutical hormone replacement therapy are not the healthiest alternatives. There are better things for you than what the mainstream medical community is providing, and if that resonates with you, you can work with a doctor. Still, I recommend finding a functional medicine doctor, a nurse practitioner, who can help you with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

Watch my series with Dr. Wilcox to learn more about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy so you can tell your doctor what you need. It’s essential to be skeptical about conventional medicines and become an advocate for your health and natural solutions. Consider the unmedicated new non-hormonal IUD if you need birth control.


This is what I helped my daughter get when she became sexually active. They stay inside for about five years, and if you get STD tests before you have unprotected sex with a new partner, you can keep yourself safe. Watch my video on which STD tests to get and enjoy the benefits that semen offers your body without worrying about getting pregnant as a woman.

In a perfect world, you’d be on a non-medicated IUD if you can conceive and don’t want to, you’d have sex regularly, three times a week if possible, with a loving STD-free partner who ejaculates that excellent semen inside you that’s good for you.


If you need it, you’d be on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to keep your hormone levels up to make you feel great. As a man in a perfect world, I know the world’s not perfect. You’d be actively involved in making sure the woman you’re having sex with has protection against pregnancy. He’d carry condoms that fit your penis, so it feels good when you make love. You have regular STD tests and share the results with your new partners, and if you need to, you’d have your hormone levels tested and supplement with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy if required.

I’m personally going to show you how to escalate arousal during sex so you and your lover can have body-throbbing pleasure worthy of being called orgasmic fantastic. What are you waiting for? Use these techniques I share for free and have an orgasmic fantastic sex day tonight, and I’ll see you on the other side!

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