How To Give A Long Blow Job Without Getting Tired


Billie Jean writes to me and she says, “Do you have a tip to help me service multiple men? My mouth gets tired. I want to enjoy myself giving blow jobs to more than one man at a time. Please reply because I do need your advice. I’m not a hooker, but at times I am sometimes faced with pleasing more than one man. Thank you so much. I will pass along your website to most of my female friends to help them get better in their endeavors in addition to some male future customers of yours, Billie Jean.”

Well, Billy Jean, thank you so much for referring me to your friends. I do appreciate that, and yes, of course I have tips for you on how to please multiple men and not get tired. So the first thing is, good for you. I really appreciate your sexual appetite and your enjoyment of going down on guys. That’s just awesome. The second thing I would tell you is just to go easy on yourself, girl. Take some breaks. The simple answer is pace yourself, mama. Make sure that you are staying hydrated. You really have to drink a lot of water when you’re oral pleasuring to keep everything flowing. The second thing is that using a combination of your hand as well as your mouth, your hands as well as your mouth, maybe even some toys, vibrators and things like that can be a welcome addition to add sensation that doesn’t require you to be doing all the work.

The other thing that you can do is you can have those guys do some of the work, like they can hold their penis for you so you can relax a little bit more. You can also make sure that you’re in a very comfortable position. One of the positions that you might like, I call it my position. I have a series. It’s called seven stimulating sex positions. It’s here on YouTube, and one of them is a blow job sex position with a vibrator. And that one is one where you’re actually completely relaxed and he’s operating the equipment, if you will. And I would recommend that you might try to make sure that you’re in a very comfortable position, that your guys are helping out as much as possible and that you’re taking your time and making sure you’ve got a lot of saliva and that you’re feeling very loved and appreciated and adored. That the men that you’re pleasuring are also making sure to appreciate you and to tell you what a great time they’re having.

All of those things are kind of … Make sure they’re touching you, calming down your nervous system, going more slowly, being more relaxed. Just enjoying the moment. Not giving yourself any performance anxiety or putting any expectations on yourself about how long you go or what things you’re doing. All of those things will just push you back into the center of who you are and make sure that you are getting as much pleasure out of the receiving as you are out of the giving. Because I have a feeling because you’ve written to me before that you’re such a giver, that you forget the receiving. And I want to make sure that you’re getting that balance going. So my ultimate advice is to enjoy yourself, but also to just take it easy on yourself, be good to yourself and remember that it’s just a blow job. So you can take a break and take a drink of water and connect with your partner and all of those things will just kind of like calm it down, space it out, make it more pleasurable, relax you more, so that you can go for longer.

It’s funny, even in the studio here, when I’m shooting YouTube videos, I go sit down and take a break and come back and shoot another one. You can’t just keep going, going, going, going, going. You got to be good to yourself. So there you go Billy Jean, I hope that helped. I love you for the woman that you are so much and thank you for being part of my email newsletter followers and a part of my life. You bring me joy with your appetite. It’s the best. And if you would like to subscribe to my video, get on my email newsletter or anything, I have links below to four oral sex techniques for men and for oral sex techniques for women in the link below that I give away for free. It’s another video. It’s off of YouTube and on my own website.

You have to opt in with your email address for it, but if you do, you’ll be on my newsletter and get all these kinds of great tips. You can unsubscribe anytime. Totally cool. You can just go get the video and unsubscribed right away if you want to, it’s fine. Different strokes for different folks. Everybody’s at a different place, it’s all good. But I am here if you need me, your trusted hot sex advisor willing to dress up in Bavarian bar maid outfits just to entertain you about blow jobs. So there you go. Thumbs up my video and I’ll see you on the other side.

FREE Gift: 7 Stimulating Sex Positions

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