How to Deep Throat And Avoid Gagging

I have a series of emails asking for my advice from people on my email list. This one comes from Andrea. It’s about deep throat, one of my favorite past-times.

“Dear Susan, Hello. I love you. What would cause me to no longer deep-throat my boyfriend? My throat seems to close up at the moment, and if it even goes near the back, I gag almost immediately. I used to take great pleasure from this. Not sure which is the chicken and which is the egg when it comes to this problem. Our relationship is suffering, and sex is hurting, and resentments are rising. – Andrea.”

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I’m Susan Bratton, your trusted hot sex advisor to millions, dressed up today to entertain you as a Bavarian barmaid. I think it’s my natural costume. I’ve been a naughty nurse and a fire chief and a space crusader, but this is my fallback, a Bavarian barmaid. I thought, “What could I do for blowjobs? Bavarian barmaid!”

I have a series of emails asking for my advice. This one comes from Andrea. It’s about deep-throating, one of my favorite past-times. 


“Dear Susan, Hello. I love you. What would cause me to no longer deep-throat my boyfriend? My throat seems to close up at the moment, and if it even goes near the back, I gag almost immediately. I used to take great pleasure from this. Not sure which is the chicken and which is the egg when it comes to this problem. Our relationship is suffering, and sex is hurting, and resentments are rising. Andrea.” 

Andrea, I’ve got useful info for you. I’ve been thinking about your relationship, and I don’t know whether the issue with your throat is whether you’re angry with your boyfriend or that he’s not meeting your needs. 


It’s emotional and mental for you and not a physical issue. But I have a physical issue idea for you, and I have something that you can try. But first, let’s deal with the fact that maybe you’re pissed at your boyfriend and so taking him into your mouth is a violation of your body. You need to honor that and get to what he’s doing that’s meeting your needs. 

I have one of my best selling books that has a worksheet in it. I’ll put a link to the discounted page where you can download it. It costs about 9.99. It’s called Relationship Magic. Essentially, it helps you understand what you want most out of your relationship with your boyfriend. Then, it would help if you say whether he’s meeting your needs. I don’t mean a simple checklist. I mean, the things that you value most based on your morals. What do you imagine your relationship to be like when it is a significant relationship? 

That will let you look at your relationship by asking, “Is he meeting my top needs or not?” If he’s not, then you need to allow him to understand what you want because he’s only guessing if you haven’t told him. If you’re not clear yourself, how could he know?

Men love to meet their woman’s needs. He wants to be your hero, wants to win, and be a successful partner. You have to empower him by telling him that. Find the gap between what you want and what you’re not getting. And you tell him. 


He might say, “I didn’t know you wanted that! I can do that. That is easy.” Most of the time, it is straightforward for guys to give you what you need. They don’t know what it is. At the same time, you can do that exercise together over dinner or have a date night and do it. You can also find out what his relationship values are. Because once he knows what your list is and you know what your plan is, and you start getting up every day and focus on providing those things that that person wants most in a relationship, it begins to change the dynamic. 

You feel like you’re in a great relationship. The resentments go away. Let’s say it’s not that, and he’s a great boyfriend, and you’re happy with him. What could be wrong with your throat? 

You’re one of the few women who understands what a pleasurable experience can be, and I was glad to read your email. I want other women and men to know that it turns the woman on to take him down your throat. You’re stroking the erectile tissue in your throat. 

It could be you’re holding yourself back for some reason. Maybe there’s nothing with him, but something is going on with you. Or you’ve forgotten how much you love surrendering yourself to the pleasure of his penis.

I would have an inquiry, or I would meditate. Search within yourself and ask whether anything shifted for you. Have things changed? 


The third was the health piece. I’m no doctor! I play one on my channel sometimes! And I’m wearing a Bavarian barmaid outfit! I was thinking about what could cause your throat to close up. I was thinking – DYSBIOSIS. It’s when your gut is screwed up. Your mouth and your vagina, your vulva, is part of one tube. 

I wonder how you’re feeling in your vulva? Is it feeling good, or are you feeling tight and constricted? Do you have vaginal infections? How are your bowel movements? Is your gut working? Or is it having trouble? Because if it is, it will come right out of your throat, and you’ll have constriction. You might have an H pylori bacteria overgrowth. H pylori causes acid reflux. You might have candida or a yeast overgrowth if you eat sugar, carbohydrates, and processed foods. 

Suppose you’re not eating healthy organic vegetables as the primary source of your diet with perfect quality fats like avocado, nuts, seeds, and good pasteurized proteins from animals and sustainable fish and meats. If you’re eating junk, you could be sick. The yeast can grow and cause your throat to close up, drive your tongue to swell, cause you to be sensitive to many foods, and cause you to have upset stomachs. 


Let’s talk about the enjoyable part of deep-throating and some things you could try. Let’s say it’s none of the things I’ve mentioned. I poop great every day, and I love my boyfriend! Here’s what I would say. Maybe you’re rushing it. Perhaps you’re trying to go too fast and not giving yourself too much time to get turned on, warmed up, and fully opened to the experience. 

Maybe you’re delving into sex before you’ve had an excellent vaginal massage from your boyfriend before he’s gone down on you, opened you up, and given you some orgasms. Have you made out with him before you’ve put his penis in your mouth? How are your mouth and jaw right now? Were you holding it tight? Do you grit your teeth at night? Are you tense? Have you been breathing? How is your breath flowing into your body?

You wouldn’t start giving a blowjob right now! You’d want to make-out, open up the lips and the tongue, and get the mouth and jaw moving. You’d want to have some play with your breasts and yoni. Play with his cock. Connect with him, get held, and be loved by him. 

If you are rushing it, no wonder it’s closing up. You’re forcing the issue down your throat instead of letting your throat want it to come in more deeply. 


That’s the last piece of advice I have for you right now. If it’s none of those things, then you’ll have to write more than five sentences to me, because those are my best bets. If you have any questions or comments, please post them below because I love to answer them as long as they’re polite and compassionate.

I have a gift for you. I have a Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection program that shows 30-40 oral pleasuring techniques out of 200 advanced lovemaking techniques for men and women. Styles will increase your pleasure when you go down on your guy. He could learn 30-40 new techniques when he goes down on you. I put four women’s and four men’s styles in a free video that links from this page to get a taste of the things you never thought of. 

You’ll go, “Oh my God! I need all 40 of these because I love to go down on my man, and I want to enjoy it.” 

Click the link, grab the video with my pleasure, and thank you so much for writing to me. You go, girl, with your deep throat because it is fabulous once you get the hang of it. Take your time, enjoy yourself, get yourself turned on, and I’ll see you on the other side.

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Comment (4)

  1. I’m a man 75 and have ED and diabetes with neuropathy. I also had a vasectomy in 1975, could this have anything to do with it. I still have the desire but no function. Thanks Larry

  2. Just Curiou I looked at your video and was amazed at the psychological aspect, not so about the physical side but the relationship communication side of things? it might have been the reasons behind my marraige split? sadly several years ago but an important lesson for the future…thanks

    1. For women especially, the emotional connection during lovemaking is the most important aspect. I am glad you are able to learn from hindsight to increase your pleasure in the future.

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