Sexual Health141 Videos

Healing Painful Sex

Learn all about healing painful sex. Get the latest sexual health and wellness tips by email, click here. Welcome to the Sexual Vitality Summit. I’m your host Susan Bratton, and I am delighted to introduce you to my firecracker friend Isa Herrera. Isa is a pelvic floor specialist. As we talk about it, she will […]

The Advice Your Father Should Have Given You

I like that in The 21st Century Man, you’re giving men health advice. Susan: Why not just Google? Why do I have to buy this big, heavy, thick book? Dr. Judson: Because I did all the work for you! I got the best sources of information and the best work and edited the heck out […]

Sexual Health

Susan: Of course, inquiring minds want to know about the sexual health parts. Tell me who the other experts are, besides Susan Bratton, and what’s in here that a guy won’t find out there. SEXUAL HEALTH Dr. Judson: First, the sex chapters are like the trojan horses. Guys say, “I’m going to get the 21st […]

How A Guy Can Lose Fat Fast Using New Technology

Read about how a guy can lose fat in Dr. Judson’s new book, The 21st Century Man. Susan: You have 60 contributors, and the book reads incredibly smoothly for 60 writing styles. I know there wasn’t much editing on my work when I contributed my chapter. I imagine a person had to edit everything lightly, […]

Unnecessary Prostate Biopsy

If you read the prostate chapter in this book, you’ll understand that you should get another test between a PSA and a prostate biopsy. This book is loaded with advice, whether it’s ophthalmology, hearing, sleep, foot care, testosterone replacement, or hair loss. Susan: What made you write this book at this time? Dr. Brandis: I […]

Genetic Testing to Avoid Disease

The book is written for men so that they can relate to it. It is not a 300-page book that you could summarize in two pages. This is a 900-page book you could summarize in 900 pages. Read on to learn more about genetic testing. Susan: What are the most common issues men run into […]